Sometimes can't cast spells on targeted monsters next to walls/pillars

Just what it says on the tin. If I have my cursor over a monster next to a wall or pillar, sometimes I can't cast the spell at them even though they are right in front of me. Perhaps it's a line of sight bug?

Some other details which might be relevant:
- I noticed this in Act II, but I suppose it's a global issue. I started noticing it in Vaal Ruins and Weaver's Chambers where there are a lot of tight spaces and small rooms, but it's happened a few other times in other Act II areas.
- I often have this problem with Freezing Pulse.
Last bumped on Jan 19, 2025, 9:58:57 AM
i noticed the same issue! it also happens when the monster(s) stand(s) in a passage between two rooms.

- it happens with freezing pulse
- i didnt test it with other spells/attacks (yet)
from 0.10.0 patch notes: "Fixed a bug where you could add Piety to your friends list." xD
I also get this a lot with Freezing Pulse.

I don't know if this is related, but I've also noticed that since one of the early 0.9.13 patches, my characters will occasionally move around with skills that are bound to keyboard keys. Even skills that should not have the character moving at all, like Molten Shell, will in rare cases cause characters to move to the cursor location before casting. Similarly, this is occurs most often near walls, around doorways and in tight spaces.
Last edited by D623932883#0055 on Nov 16, 2012, 7:51:15 PM
Okay, here's a little update. I just found a monster right next to a wall (screenshot below) which wouldn't let me cast Freezing Pulse while targeting it. However, I could successfully cast the Frostbite curse and Firestorm while targeting it. I switched back to Freezing Pulse and it still wouldn't work, so it looks like it's spell-specific, but not sure if it's only Freezing Pulse. Hope this helps.

I get the same problem using FP with LMP on medium textures and everything else on minimum. It's annoying, since often the only way to kill something is to aim further away from the character, which makes you target something in another room and your char just runs to that other room pulling agro.
yes its been mentioned before, particularly in close areas, arc didnt work for me yesterday same situation
This should be fixed in the future 0.10.0 patch.
Balance & Design
Yes, I actually die in soft core quite a bit because I can't cast despair after getting pushed into a corner. Its an aoe but if you walk into a corner with a wall on either side of you and try to cast it out away from the wall it wont go off. So I tried it even without mobs its the same issue. So apparently it happens with other spells as well

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