PVP idea for ending rounds - Deadly Fog
After reading the patch notes, apparently after X amount of time, if neither team kills all of the opposite team, the round is considered a draw.
I play a game called Bloodline Champions which features from 1v1 up to 5v5 fantasy combat. The way they handle rounds ending is that after 2 minutes the round goes into "Sudden Death" and dark fog gradually closes in on the arena starting from all sides until it finally meets in the middle. Players in the fog take gradual damage every moment they are in the fog, so everyone moves closer and knockback skills or mobility skills can become deadly by pushing an opponent into the fog or a player (like say with shield charge) using a mobility skill can go too far and kill themselves by accident, hilariously. I find it makes the rounds that last longer very intense, and offers a natural hazard as an extra way to kill opponents. What do you think of this mechanic to avoid rounds ending in a tie? Could it work for POE or would it be a bad idea? "When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
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This would be incredibly unfair to ranged or very mobile characters.
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Good idea, instead of fog though maybe rocks will begin to fall from the ceiling, or the floor could randomly cave in, in some areas?
Leaves are falling all around, It's time I was on my way.
Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay. But now it's time for me to go. The autumn moon lights my way. For now I smell the rain, and with it pain, and it's headed my way. |
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That sounds like a little too much for a game like this and would be extremely unfair.
but i would actually enjoy seeing maybe some Traps on walls when you walk by, spikes coming out of ground or fire on the ground or things of that nature.. Last edited by Rnew1990#5171 on Nov 1, 2012, 1:47:15 PM
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The fact of the matter is that nobody wants to die to the stage. It's the only thing more frustrating than dying to the other player.
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For some reason I read "Deadly Frog" so let's go with that instead. Have swarms of exploding frogs come out and push their way to the middle. lol
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" Dying to the stage? yeah but i think having randomized and various traps in the arena would make it more interesting..different traps on different types of arenas |
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" Dying to the stage. If the arena kills you rather than your opponent, it's very anti-climactic. Probably the best analogy would be if you've ever played Smash Bros., some of the levels have events that can kill you. They're almost universally banned in competitive play. You think randomized traps would be more interesting? I don't; I think it would be unfair and uncompetitive. Visit the Path of Exile Wiki at http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/
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Here's a video from a few years ago that demonstrates the process, about 40 seconds into the video the fog starts closing down on the players. Notice it doesn't kill immediately but it's like a dot against players who stand in it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihNsAmD6t0g The whole point is if you're having a long defensive round where people are dodging more than fighting or hiding to heal up, it means you can't do that forever. Eventually you have to go fight or you'll lose.
People say "I don't want to die to the stage" but I reply "Is it more fun for the round to end in a tie?" A zero zero tie sounds boring. Another comment was "thats unfair for ranged characters" and I'm not sure what they are envisioning or how they figure it. Another person said "Deadly Frog" but you have to play witch doctor for that. I wouldn't recommend it. "When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
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In the current state of the game I think this would seriously punish ranged characters who need to kite.
With this fog feature, a melee character who is being kited by a ranger would be able to autowin by running circles around pillars/terrain for 90 seconds, and just rape the ranged character once the fog prevented them from kiting. Though that's maybe a problem with PvP right now in general: if you are playing just to stay alive, it's nearly impossible for your opponent to kill you in 1v1 (assuming equal skill/gear). Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Nov 3, 2012, 4:52:51 AM
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