The Inevitable "Hey! You're using 4+ gems of that!"

So I just got owned by a flicker strike Shadow who was "bypassing" the flicker strike CD by using 4 multiple gems of it.

I think it goes without saying that multiple gems shouldn't behave this way? Given how minions were fixed of this functionality? Or is this working as intended?
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Sorry but that's smart.
Makes me want to do a 5 skill gem cold snap build. Or a 5 skill gem enduring cry build?
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Cooldowns are on individual skills, not on your player, so this is currently the correct behaviour. I will being it to the attention of Carl when I see him, but I suspect we might want to keep things this way - while currently all flickerstrikes have the same cooldown time and count, if we ever want, say a "decreased cooldown" support, or anything of the sort, or even a skill that changes cooldown time as the gem levels, that means different versions of the same skill could have different cooldowns, so it makes no sense applying one to the other.
But there may be other ways to attack this issue if it proves a big balance problem.

At least people doing this can't have all the gems supported as effectively as if just using one.
Those are some good points Mark. It is interesting. I mean, it feels like an "unintuitive" "glitch/bug" - but at the same time, it's not completely imbalanced if it were left alone, though I will tell you, it makes countering flicker strike impossible (you can't bank on its cooldown) on my Ranger right now. And it sort of defeats the design of having frenzy charges consumed to spam it (because it's just so much easier to have multiple gems of it, compared to constantly generating frenzy charges).

At the same time though, killing melee classes that aren't using flicker has been a cakewalk so far. A 2h Templar couldn't even get in range to hit me once.

But if this does become a "working as intended" thing you can bet I'll be doing this cold snap level 80 pvp build.
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Last edited by anubite#0701 on Oct 31, 2012, 9:27:22 PM
I can't say if it'll change, and that's not my call, all I can say for now is that's how it's coded to work, and give some suggestions as to why it's good for it to be that way.

Consider trying to apply a global cooldown to coldsnap if you have two coldsnap gems, and one is supported by trap - you have two coldsnap skills, and they have completely different cooldowns. To me the intuitive version is the current one - that each skill has a cooldown. If you choose to have multiple of the same skill, each has it's own cooldown.

But it certainly may need changed for balance - so it may change to something else in future.
Last edited by Nate_Prawdzik#2613 on Nov 2, 2012, 1:47:33 PM
I've started on a slightly more conservative level 28 pvp cold snap build - but so far, the results seem to be suggesting that freezing pulse beats cold snap in DPS, even when you can bypass the cooldown. And especially when you compare a 4 or 5 L FP to a 1 or 2 linked Cold Snap * 5. Even in terms of mana! Cold Snap's base costs feel kind of high and the dps still feels too low. I'd be so disappointed if I were actually wasting power charges to get this level of cold snap spam again.
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Last edited by anubite#0701 on Nov 2, 2012, 7:03:51 PM
o wow...... maybe my recent failed enduring cry discharge build will get revived.
Is it any different than having several different skills on cooldown.As it is there's not many but if there were more it would have the same effect.

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