path of exile Life vs E shield (Life can't compare to E shield) E shield is broken
i explain how life and e shield are unbalance. with the passive skill tree i think life notes should be 10% instead of 8% or every 10 strength gives 2% to life so let me explain better in the forums i just notice i spend my whole passive skill points in life to have 4,500 total which feels like a cluster bomb. i notice with e shield gear you can get more life base and with the new passive skill tree, e shield users, can get tons of armor from iron relaxes. in the video i show the passive skill tree if you have e shield character you can save and spend extra skill points for damage notes and still have crazy amounts of e shield life. but as a life user, you can only spend passive skill points for life and nothing else or you will die than your build will fail if you choose to get damage notes. Life= 4500 <------ spending all my passive skill tree notes for that final hp of 4500 1x peice of gear chest = 1702 1x peice of gear shield = 2050 3x peices of e gear = 4982 1x peice of gear helmet = 1230 3x e shield gear beats my max life users hp life users can't get damage notes and e shield users can save and have extra points for damage notes. i hope i made sense i am trying my best, to my regards Last edited by Heroxsolbadguy#5368 on Oct 25, 2013, 5:20:10 AM
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The recent buff is HUGE for life builds. 10% is going to upset the balance.
Next thing you know, es builds will want their nodes buffed because life builds can reach 15k hp ______________________M
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" Care to elaborate why you recommend another increase? Care to elaborate why strength should give a %-based value? I mean, posting a video is fine to strengthen your argument, but a forum is made for discussion, not for getting some more views on YT. Why life-nodes should not have the same %-based values as ES nodes, but lower ones: life can be managed with pots! Period. That is SUCH a good thing that a smaller pool is justified just because of that. PLUS: life scales the duration and chance of being stunned, frozen, shocked and ignited (together called Elemental Status Alignments = ESA). Even better than flasks. With the 1.0.0-buff a high-life char should not worry about ESA at all. So please, post arguments and prove your points next time instead of just linkiung some random vid and make some suggestions without appearant reasoning. Thank you. best regards Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty!
IGN: Trapsdrubel |
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" your right, so let me explain better in the forums i just notice i spend my whole passive skill points in life to have 4,500 total which feels like a cluster bomb. i notice with e shield gear you can get more life base and with the new passive skill tree, e shield users, can get tons of armor from iron relaxes. in the video i show the passive skill tree if you have e shield character you can save and spend extra skill points for damage notes and still have crazy amounts of e shield life. but as a life user, you can only spend passive skill points for life and nothing else or you will die than your build will fail if you choose to get damage notes. life users can't get damage notes and e shield users can save and have extra points for damage notes. i hope i made sense i am trying my best, to my regards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ps. Care to elaborate why you recommend another increase? Care to elaborate why strength should give a %-based value? intelligence has 10 int = 2% e shield which is very strong, if life had the 2% per strength or 1% it would create a balance Last edited by Heroxsolbadguy#5368 on Oct 25, 2013, 5:26:09 AM
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" Ok, so your point is, that Energyshield users have a higher pool of Energyshield than lifecharacters have life. That is true, but you are comparing apples and oranges here, meaning: high-end ES gear to mediocre (at best) life gear. I mean, if you are talking about Shavronne´s in your video you should compare it to Kaom´s (and I mean Legacy, because you also calculated with Legacy-Shav!). What do you have on your example-tree? Like maybe 350% increased life? Ok, legacy Kaom´s gives 1000 baselife. Let´s assume a lvl 80 character, who helped Oak, let´s say it is a Marauder (starts with 66 life and 32 Strength) and he has exactly 191 strength (required for Kaom´s). Calculation: +632 baselife - level ups +79 life - Strength +1000 life - Kaom´s +40 life - Oak = 1751 baselife increased by 350%: 1751*4.5 = ~7879 life Just with a single item. You still can get like 100 life/average on every other gearpiece (jewelry less/helm and belt more)... so please don´t tell me about the severe imbalance between the life- and the ES-pool when calculating with high-end-gear. But yeah, most ppl won´t get a legacy Kaom´s (as well as legacy Shav´s). So ok, for the sake of your argument let us assume you have an ES-pool of 8k ES with CI. Sounds great, right? Big number and such... Yeah, but will STILL get stunned, frozen, shocked and ignited for an eternity unless you use the respective countergear (Dream Frags, Chayula, flasks and so on and so forth), because even with CI, the duration of ESA (elemental status alignments) is based on the amount of life you would have when you were not CI. A character with about 5k life in total does not need to worry about ESA (elemental status alignments) at all, unless he fights Vaal Oversoul or sth like that. But in that case the CI char is off worse anyways. About your point of Armor through IR: Yes, true, you can get from 70% to 140% increased Eva from that cluster alone, which is then converted to armor through IR, which is then increased by armor nodes. But that requires one of two things: either Eva-rating on gear or to run Grace aura. Well, Eva-gear sucks for a CI char for several reasons. 1. If you have pure eva-gear, you get no hitpoints from the item at all. And the slots where you can get a decent amount of Eva are exactly the same slots that grant you the most ES (shield, chestpiece, helmet). It would be like using an Armor-item without +maximum life on an armour- and life-based char. Sucks, next point. 2. If you use hybrid gear, you get less Eva and less ES than from dedicated gear, resulting in a smaller ES pool and only mediocre damage reduction. Plus, rolling good hybrid gear is much more difficult (2x high flat value + high %increased value) than rolling single-stat gear. So you decide to run Grace. But that one reserves 60% of your mana and either means you need to invest into aura-nodes (reduced mana reserved) instead of dps-nodes or to give up another aura. But which one? Discipline (for even less hitpoints)? Purity (for less resistances and more importantly reduced maximum resistances)? Determination (which would reduce your armor for which you are using IR in the first place)? Sounds not so good at all, right? Regarding the argument about damage nodes: That is totally wrong. Thanks to the recent buff you can have like 5k life and still invest into damage. Look at this tree: With that setup I have 4.5k life with mediocre gear (on no gearpiece more than +90 maxlife). Yes, I did not invest into defensive nodes. But your point was, that a life-based character need every single point in life and cannot invest into damage. Well, that´s wrong. Regarding the suggested change to strength: Where would the baselife come from that you need for the "increased maximum life" nodes to be effective? Just tell me... I suppose you also suggest to have higher life-rolls on gear. Seriously, at least in my experience, the life pool is not a real issue anymore. The buff to life was good and enough. best regards Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty!
IGN: Trapsdrubel |
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I have 5k HP (and max block) on my lvl 86 ranger without Kaoms and I still get 19k DPS on Double Strike (or higher but I can't run it off mana due to attack speed, so one support is Blood Magic).
I know that 19k isn't some amazing number for single target DPS, but it certainly isn't 100% tank spec. |
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i have sheild char as well, its no brainer, easy to roll E.S than life, i have end game gear as well with 6x sockets and etc stats with my life user.
people just need to drop the ego admit e shield and life should have its counters and equal balance Last edited by Heroxsolbadguy#5368 on Oct 26, 2013, 3:35:38 AM
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" The arguement of status ailments is so beaten to death and not viable. Every piece of gear has been created to negate such effects since closed beta. I agree hp doesn't really need a buff again but if you factor in idea that most people can't get a legacy Kaoms..sure you can begin to wonder again if hp should see a small increase nothing drastic. Es builds were nerfed to some degree in this patch the balance has become alot closer then it ever was. Still Es/block/criticals/damage all go hand in hand like you're connecting the dots. While hp builds require sacrificing something for another. IGN: MullaXul
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