Competitive or Fun classification

Events are marked with C or F to indicate Competitive or Fun events. I was wondering how it was determined if an event got a C or an F.

I'm looking at the schedule for Season 4, and my only guess can be that this is decided at random-- at least for Party races and Descent races. (Solos are all competitive except Cutthroat and Burst. Ledges are all marked fun). Can somebody else shed some light and find the pattern for Party and Descent, though?

Here are Season 4's Descent races:

Marked Competitive
1 Hour Descent (S04C004)
1 Hour Descent (S04C019)
1 Hour Descent (S04C038)
1 Hour Rogue Descent (S04C063)
1 Hour Turbo Descent (S04C070)
1 Hour Rogue Descent (S04C077)
1 Hour Descent (S04C092)
1 Hour Descent (S04C135)
1 Hour Descent (S04C142)
1 Hr Ancestral Descent (S04C152)
1 Hour TR Descent (S04C157)

Marked Fun
1 Hour Descent (S04F040)
90 Minute Descent (S04F056)
1 Hour Descent (S04F079)
1 Hour Descent (S04F122)

So if there are rules making it harder then it's competitive, and if there are rules that make it easier then it's fun. OK so far! But what about the "normal" ones? Some of them are competitive, some of them are fun. Descent is either competitive or it's not; it doesn't make any sense why they wouldn't all be in the same category.

Looking at Party races it's similarly confusing. The same event can be in both Competitive and Fun at different points in the season. For example, Events 5 and 140 are the same except one is Competitive the other Fun.


edit: also I assumed EL stands for Endless Ledge even though L stands for Lethal already
edit2: it would also be nice if the text for event names was standardized, some of them are formatted like "2Hr" others like "2 Hr" still others like "2 Hour" please think of the automated parsers!
Last edited by PolarisOrbit#5098 on Aug 28, 2013, 5:04:10 AM
My understanding of the initial seperation of F & C was for the crazy-mode races. I.e. crazymode BLAMT-style races were to be classified Fun. That seems to have changed though.
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Its cuz they are giving limited amount of demigods. So races that normally should be "C" are F-ed.
This has no system at all and with the horrible shedule it favors certain timezones.

For example one slot gets a 3h C and another one a 1h C while the same 1h in the other slow is labeled F.

Fun and Competition must be removed this was a stupid introduction and I don't see a thread "OMG S3 was so good"

There were only 2 no lifers complaining there were too many demigods out there.

And now we have to deal with this shit for 2 entire seasons?

What next? Voting which event should be considered F and C after it finished?

Ah I became 2nd of class I vote Fun.

That looks pretty haphazard. Some descents competitive and some not? Dur?
I'm going to chalk it up to things being hectic pre-release over there and the racing barely getting an afterthought as far as planning and organization goes. Hoping this kind of herp derpery won't continue after release.
I think that no demigod for "Fun" races is bullcrap. A race like "2h immolation famine" has mods that make it harder and very competitive, and people who do well in those should be rewarded properly.

Same for descent and endless ledge.

edit: And so I just found out there was no demi for signature races. What. The. Hell.
Last edited by Thalandor#0885 on Sep 2, 2013, 3:17:33 PM
Thalandor wrote:
I think that no demigod for "Fun" races is bullcrap. A race like "2h immolation famine" has mods that make it harder and very competitive, and people who do well in those should be rewarded properly.

Same for descent and endless ledge.

edit: And so I just found out there was no demi for signature races. What. The. Hell.

Descent and endless ledge are just massive dicerolls (or were; not sure how extensively the chests have been revamped for s4), so the lack of demi rewards is understandable. Same for 12 min turbo sprints or cutthroat events etc.

Otoh i have no idea why the signature race doesnt have per-event standard demis. The random c/f designations on identical race types makes no sense either.
IGN: KoTao
Last edited by KoTao#4717 on Sep 2, 2013, 6:21:30 PM
I would like to suggest removing the "C" format. Just have signature and fun. Let there be 2 separate signature formats per season, though. Exactly 2. Not more, not less.

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