Alt art demis s3

No unique 3d art ;_;

All this time, all these delays, I was patiently waiting to see what cool effect/3d art they'd have. 100% the same as the regular demi -_____-

poor show ggg
Last edited by boof#2056 on Aug 20, 2013, 10:29:27 PM
There will be 3d art for them.

qarl you keep being the bearer of good news lately
I just realized... the regular demi is exactly the same as the unique Sundance boots, + the footprints.

Lazy lazy lazy....
0.11.5 will have the 3d art for the normal Demigod's Stride.

I prefer you accuse of us of being overly efficient, rather than lazy.

Ok ok overly efficient and tight-lipped. No harm in communicating some of these things ahead of time with players before they (I) start QQing.
i only win first place once in the last season and was a fun race :( no demi boots for me

WTT demi hat for demi boots ! pm :D
my english sux.

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