At last add a warning indicator if the invading players is 3 levels or more above you.
There was a promised level restriction for around the first longer party CTs which isn't coming.
But there are still bad mannered players who only rush to certain point gain experience and end up killing players far below themselves. So here is a simple suggestion: If a player reached level 7 and there is a player 3 levels or higher invading the instance fire up a warning changing it to +1 gemlevel level Experience on high level endgame. Like "X(level Y) invaded your instance" Also fire a warning "A player partied with a level Y invaded your instance"if the invaded party contains a player who is 3 levels or more higher to prevent the abuse that bad mannered players use low level henchmen to get close so they can tp in really fast. This warning gives low players a fair chance to escape and level up later simply because they don't have to rely on tiny indicators which already makes it impossible to escape with the 5 second gap. The reason for the 3 level difference is simple. Equipments of one tier scale with 5 level difference. Besides bows it is possible to use different weapons. For example daggers instead of wands, Hybrid armor 2 levels high than single armors, Staves vs Mauls, axes vs swords etc, which change it to already change most items to a 4 level difference some to 3 levels. Potions scale like that: 1,2,4,10,14,18,20,26,27,30,34,45,50,53,60. Spellgems level like that: 1,2,4,8,12,16<---4 levels 4,6,9,12,15<---- 3 levels 10,13,16,19<---3 levels 19,23,25,28,31<---3 levels 24,27,30,33,35,38,40<---2-3 levels 31,33,35,37,39,41<----2 levels but giving the nature that level 31 gems are mostly auras besides arctic breath and flame totem which aren't practical in PVP As you can see the relevant levels have a 3-4 level difference. Since there are cases where 3 levels make a huge difference in damage output Evasion/ES/Armor rating the warning should be issued after level up if somebody is 3 levels above you from level 7 on. You might mention that level 8 already offers a longsword and a tribal maul, which is a valid point but you have to consider that skillgems which allow instantly closing in are only available at level 10. You have a good chance getting away unless you fight. |
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