I should be able to race any time I want. Here's how to make that work.

There are only a few races per week that fit in to my schedule. I'm sure it is like this for everyone, but its a bit frustrating. My solution is as follows:

Races should be allowed any time I want. I would start a new race character, choose a race type and duration, and off I would go.

At the end of the season, you would be rewarded for getting a high score in that race type. You would also be rewarded for the amount of points you accumulated depending on how well your characters did.

If they wanted, they could limit you to racing a limited number of times per season, per race type, so people who play all day every day couldn't just rack up a ridiculous amount of points.


This would eliminate the community feel of a race, because you aren't racing at the same time as anyone else. You don't get to see where #1 is. You dont get to see when a top racer dies.

I would still like to see some community races and cutthroat events, but there should also be a way to race any time I want. Even if there was no ladder, I would like a personal high score. I'd still like to be able to do a descent race even if I was only competing with my past attempts.

Last edited by Seeders#7506 on Jul 12, 2013, 12:04:19 PM
Seeders wrote:

This would eliminate the community feel of a race, because you aren't racing at the same time as anyone else. You don't get to see where #1 is. You dont get to see when a top racer dies.
And this is why this suggestion should never be implemented as-is.

If you ask me, two things should happen:
  • More messages should be displayed during races. You shouldn't get notifications only about the first player to enter an area or reach a level, but also the first player in your class. It would also be cool if players that are very close to you in XP, class, and in the same location as you appear as "ghosts" in your instance, so you can literally footrace them, as well as displaying a graphic when those characters level up. All of this would enhance the feeling of simultaneity in races, which is barely existent now.
  • There should be race queues for races that do not reward Reward Points. When, say, 5 players from each class enter (30 total), the race would begin at that time, and then a new empty queue would be made, and when that fills up another race would start. These queues would be running continuously, except for immediately prior to periods of scheduled maintenance. This would allow some degree of race-on-demand without utterly destroying race simultaneity for those races.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
I would like the queue system as well, though I can see it taking a lot of time to fill 30 or more slots.

And this is why this suggestion should never be implemented as-is.

I don't agree. Its just not that big of a loss. I think seeing who is in first place is kind of neat, but not required for a race. This isn't nascar, we aren't affecting eachother's times in any way.

Seeing others racing at the same time is not worth the hassle of catching a race. One or two races a week is just not enough for me to care about a season. I know that other people are finding more time to race more often, and I can't keep up.

I think an online ladder would be enough to see what times you have to beat, or how far you have to get.
What you're asking for is a time trial.

Not a bad idea, but different than races.
MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."

GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?"
didevol wrote:
What you're asking for is a time trial.

Not a bad idea, but different than races.

Kinda, but if thats the case then what we have now is just synchronized time trials. Everyone is racing at the same time, but on a different track, completely unaware of eachother except in towns and the top 10 or 15 or whatever it is get announced when they die or reach a new zone first.

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