Why no self-chosen Race times? (for some at least)


Because i work shifts i cant manage many Races at all. Whenever I am home there is no race going to happen that is interesting, and whenn there is an interesting one - i am at work or at sleep.

Why cant there be dome races taht can be started within a weeks span at my own terms and at the end of that week the results are announced?
For no-party Descent or similar ones it shuldnt be a big problem shoud it?

Crazy. German. Storyteller. Writer. Poet.
Even if they just make a 1 hour race have a 3 hour window or something like that it would be a massive help to my schedule... selfish I know, but other people have got to be in the same boat...
Because GGG is not that friendly with my timezone I only have one possible race I can enter on workdays. Something similar to this would be wonderful but I'm not hopeful because even I share this timezone problem on forums for each of the last two seasons, nothing has changed.
No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes.
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
As I said on another thread, this would be awesome since essentially we're just racing against the same one-hour clock.

One concern I can immediately conjure is that even if GGG could find a way to 'lock' an account out of a race league after they've done it for the set duration, there's nothing stopping someone from doing it on other accounts. Sure, they can't share points, but they can definitely clog the ladder.

This is the best argument I've seen against the proposal. I'm not sure how to address it, to be honest.
Thanks for the input ^^

I havent thought of using different accounts Charan. So your input is very enlightning to me. I always forget to think about the cheating ... it just makes not much sense to me.
Crazy. German. Storyteller. Writer. Poet.
It would be awesome but people would find a way to abuse it unless its air tight.
CharanJaydemyr wrote:

That would work, with some provisos:

1) 'New' race type which lasts ~72 hours - you're allowed to play, say, 1 of those hours on your account. These wouldn't and couldn't be party races since you'd be able to boost, rush or twink Kripp your teammates so that they'd win.

2) No cost to enter, but you are required to have purchased microtransaction credit in order to participate. Think TF2.

3) Races as they are now would continue as normal, otherwise there comes up the issue of "no charging for content".

This would be a convenience thing, but to really prevent "all content is free" going down the drain, I'd propose that ALL solo races adopt this method, but non-paying players are only permitted to participate in the event from its start to its end, while donators are allowed to play for the same duration, but at a time of their choosing.

Johnny has not paid any money. He wants to play in the 1 hour solo race at 2pm on Tuesday. Johnny can play in this race from 2pm to 3pm. If he forgets about the race and starts late at 2:30pm, he can still only play until 3pm.

Bobby has paid twelve and a half thousand dollars and has a miniature Chris Wilson as an in-game pet. He has paid money, but the exact amount is irrelevant. He logs onto the race at 2:45pm. He plays for 15 minutes until 3pm, and since he has paid, he is allowed to continue playing. He plays an extra 15 minutes until 3:15pm, and then logs off, because he is an adult. He gets arrested for drunk driving at 8pm after crashing into his mother-in-law's house with a stolen truck (long story) and is held in a cell overnight. He wakes up in the morning with a hangover and is questioned by police, but he remains silent and is held an additional day. The following day, his lawyer gets him released on bail, and he is released from the station at 4:40pm. He arrives home at 5:10pm (his license has been suspended pending trial) and logs onto Path of Exile to complete his race event. He played in the race event for half an hour on Tuesday, and it is now Thursday. Since Bobby is a donator, he has until 3pm Friday to complete his remaining 30 minutes of game time, as donator access to the race event closes 72 hours after the race 'officially' ends.
Last edited by Dreggon#7708 on Jul 2, 2013, 8:48:20 AM
During CB they offered currency so it made sense to limit access to prevent abuse. Now you only gain points from racing and you can’t give points from one account to the other. I don’t understand why someone would want to run the same race on multiple accounts… But if it is a concern they could try a 1 hour race with a 3 hour window.
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
Dreggon wrote:

2) No cost to enter, but you are required to have purchased microtransaction credit in order to participate. Think TF2.

That's fucking brilliant, dude. At least that way each alt account needs to have spent to participate.

Maybe a threshold though. 1000 GGGold to get into races, any races, anytime? Would be interesting to see.

So basically, you can pay a one-off fee by spending GGGold to a certain limit (which most of us have done) for the convenience to race anytime, once per account per race. This definitely doesn't breach the all content is free rule.

And non-paying folk can still race during the set times.

Any counter-arguments?

After reading all of these great ideas I hope devs are reading this thread.
No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes.
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
Dreggon wrote:

2) No cost to enter, but you are required to have purchased microtransaction credit in order to participate. Think TF2.

That's fucking brilliant, dude. At least that way each alt account needs to have spent to participate.

Maybe a threshold though. 1000 GGGold to get into races, any races, anytime? Would be interesting to see.

So basically, you can pay a one-off fee by spending GGGold to a certain limit (which most of us have done) for the convenience to race anytime, once per account per race. This definitely doesn't breach the all content is free rule.

And non-paying folk can still race during the set times.

Any counter-arguments?

I don't have that many points, but let's take this further - your "race window" (i.e. how long you have to sign up for + participate in the race) is determined by how much you've donated. A $5 donation might increase the window by - for example - 5 hours. I have a kiwi pack, so that would give me a window of - again, example - 25 hours. You'd have a window of, uh... call it 72 hours, let's not go overboard here. The race has to end sometime, after all! :P

I still don't want to go the pay-to-play races route, since races that are restricted to paying customers only is pay-to-win - you get points that non-paying players would have no way of accessing.

ignarsoll wrote:

After reading all of these great ideas I hope devs are reading this thread.

They're asleep : ( Hope this stays near the top of the forum!
Last edited by Dreggon#7708 on Jul 2, 2013, 8:58:43 AM

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