Breaches not worth it?

Currently doing maps around t8-t10. I know I still have a ways to go in terms of endgame progression, but practically every source I see says that breaches are the best option for endgame farming but with every single breach I've done no matter how I go about it the most I see is one, MAYBE two clasped hands if I'm lucky- and they only give trash items- before the breach disappears.

Am I misunderstanding how breaches work or am I not going at them right? Or am I simply just not at the point where I should ever bother with them
Last bumped on Mar 8, 2025, 8:00:12 PM
Or am I simply just not at the point where I should ever bother with them

I'm guessing it's this based on your current map level progression.

You really need 2 things to make Breach shine: a build that clears packs of monsters well, and investment in the Breach nodes on the Atlas Tree. The problem with that is in order to make Breach worth it, you need the Atlas points, which means you need to kill the boss multiple times, which means you need Breach splinters, which means you need to run Breach! It's actually more time and currency efficient to outright buy the Breachstones on trade to beat the boss a few times before you ever start seriously running Breach. Most of us don't like this current endgame design and hope it's fixed in the full release.

I've been away from POE2 for over a month but I think this info is still accurate. Good luck!
More importantly, you need to make your nodes have the affix "increased quantity of items"

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