Insane game freezes

This happened a couple times before but now its become a whole lot more common. My game just randomly completely lags out and freezes when I'm mapping. I have used every single method available online and nothing has fixed it. Its not a problem with my device I can guarantee that, have run multiple checks.

Here are my specs:
CPU: Ryzen 7 6800H
GPU: RTX 3060
RAM: 16 GB DDR5 4800Mhz

My game settings are all on the recommended ones, but I don't think that matters since it lags whether the settings are default or not. I use DirectX12 mostly since I've found that it gives me the best performance, but lag occurs on all 3 renderers similarly (Vulkan is a lot worse for some reason tho).

Here are some clips of it happening,
Last edited by Shadow_Zephyr#0383 on Mar 6, 2025, 11:41:21 AM
Last bumped on Mar 8, 2025, 7:15:20 PM
Yeah I have something similar. Have a 4060 laptop. Funny thing, It worked like shit, as pictured above. Then I can't remember what I did or followed but it sorted itself out.
Then I installed it on my other laptop, a 2050. Similar but lesser problems, then it got sorted. Again don't remember how or even if I did anything.

Now I unsintalled it on my 4060 cause I needed the space for a few stuff. A week later i'm reinstalling cause I wanna play it and it's back to playing like shit. I can't play past act 2 cause the audio loops, it stutters and freezes pretty bad (i'd die on later maps, like you) and

Ow and audio loops and stutters
Last edited by Blakey85#5141 on Mar 7, 2025, 9:26:23 AM
Hi, I had the same problems as you for the past 2 days i've came back to the game on this computer.

I'm just saying that the steam version, I installed after deleting the standalone client, works fine. Not bugs at all - audio, stutter or fps drops.

I did have to change it to directX 12 though I think. It defaulted to 11. runs smooth as butter at locked 60.
Last edited by Blakey85#5141 on Mar 8, 2025, 3:03:33 AM
I only play PoE on Hardcore, and last few leagues I can't get rid of this exact problem. I live in Sweden and my connection is great, it only happens when playing PoE. While my computer has a few years on it's back, everything else has been tested aswell. I'm on the steam client.

It's really rough to motivate yourself to play the game (which I really enjoy) when you keep dying like this.

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