Trading on console

I think on concole it is too difficult to trade.
No one answers when i pm them. I dont know if i was making something wrong, but i used fast pm on website.
Anyone knows, if there is a special channel, or do they just not answer me???
Last bumped on Mar 3, 2025, 10:11:17 AM
They're just not answering you which is unfortunately pretty common. People usually don't respond with messages, they just send a party invite for you to join and then warp to them for the trade. If they did respond, it would be in the whispers channel. Make sure you don't have some setting that only allows party invites from friends or something (no idea if this even exists in settings for this game).

The likely reason you get no response is that you're trying to buy things for very cheap. Either the seller dumped it in a tab with cheap default prices or they'd rather not disrupt their gameplay to sell something for 1 ex

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