Spent a lot of money on artbook, never recieved even a response.

Short version: Bought the Artbook pack (PoE2 Liberator of Wraeclast) 3 month ago, GGG is unresponsive.

On Dec 24 2024 I bought the Liberator of Wraeclast Supporter Pack for the physical goods through the PoE2 Ingame shop.

I got the ingame item part of the purchase but thats all.

Patiently I wated a month. Sending them the first E-Mail on 21st Jan 2025.
Two days later I got an E-Mail from GGG, asking me about my GGG-Account, the shipping adress and some names of my characters.

On 24th Jan 2025 I replied with the required information, the names of my chars in screenshot as well as in text and a "thank you" message of how much I enjoy the game at the bottom of the E-Mail.

Nothing happened.

I sent another E-Mail on the 19th Feb 2025. Basically just asking about the status or any information.

Nothing happened.

Sending another E-Mail on the 27th Feb 2025. Same request, just give me some information man. I bought your pack 3 Month ago at this point and didnt even get a "oh sorry we currently are out of stock, you have to wait another month". NOTHING.

Right now I weigh my options. Because this is an HUGE amount of money. Which was supposed as my X-Mas gift to myself.
But you can probably tell that my next steps wont be satisfied with me just asking again through E-Mail. So lets see if posting into the forum actually can move something. As I see several posts with long answering times from GGG.
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2025, 11:15:59 AM
Hey there,

I'm very sorry to hear this, and I apologise for our slower-than-usual support response times.

As mentioned in our Customer Support Update, we are currently working through a large number of support requests, but please rest assured we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for your fast response.
But I am still left in the dark. When is anything happening? "soon as possible" might be a year or two. It would be helpful to have just any kind of information. Even if it would take a year I would at least know.

Anyway, I know this might be outside of your area of work. But if you could tell me what I can do on my side to actually get information of anykind, it would be appreciated. E-Mails dont seem to work and will just fill your support teams pile of E-Mails even further, probably not improving the situation.
I'm in the same situation so adding this here as it's the only thing that can "help" your situation. This was a part of the "customer service update" posted by ggg on Jan 19 and is incredibly easy to miss and should honestly be part of their initial email reaching out for account information.

If you’re still waiting for a response, we urge you not to send another email as it will move you to the back of the queue. Be assured that our team will get to you as quickly as they can.


This doesn't really help you much in getting a response as I have also been waiting weeks to hear anything back and I'm sure you have seen many others waiting weeks-months and are still being left in the dark while they still continue to promote the art book.

At this point I have stopped playing the game entirely as I have lost a great deal of enthusiasm supporting a company that cannot respect any of it customers with reasonable support. Whether it's a lack of priority or total incompetence it makes little difference.

I just hope they can get their shit together and do right by their customers because as much as I love this game I will seriously reconsider any and all future purchases if this is the expected experience.

Best of luck to you on your wait in getting your purchases as well!

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