Xesht Still not giving me my final book

I have still not had anyone message me in regards to Xesht not giving me my final book. I have killed him a number of times on maximum difficulty with all points allocated and still i'm 6/8. Thank you for your feedback and help remedying this.
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 10:29:27 AM
Make sure you are Map owner, i am assuming you are then try:

Refunding all talents from the breach atlas passive tree. Apply. Reapply points back in. Apply.

Kill boss.

Profit? maybe?
Website is down.
Also make sure its at difficulty 4.

you have 6 points but if you go for certain passives you will only get +3 difficulty.

Assure you have +1 to twisted domain difficulty x 4.
Website is down.

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