Lost Skill point after level up, and then crash.

Playing on Xbox.

leveled up to 91 in a map. once finishing the map, Exited map, sold / vendored my loot, stashed my currencies etc... Used my skill point to put in the node I wanted (was a good damage boost notable so I have been looking forward to this level up all week of mapping)

Game Crashed....

It was one of those crashes that when i logged back in, I had to revendor and resell all the drops i just vendored before the crash. I look back at my skill tree and my notable i just selected is now unallocated. And I have no available skill points.

The Crash ate my skill point.
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 10:25:40 AM
Did you do any other reallocating of skill points or just the 1 skill point?

If you did it might of went back to your old set up. You can try refunding a couple skill points before the notable , apply. Log out, log in and check how many skill points you got.
Website is down.
I logged back in later to see if i could find it.
I did find it.
That crash apparently put me back a few hours of when i was messing around with repositioning skill points then.

Rather than putting me back to within the past few minutes prior to crashing.

Glad you got your skill point!
Website is down.

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