Please Help i wait 1month fow answer... :(

I've been waiting for a month for a solution to my problem after explaining that my problem was after I bought 100 points to get more stash tabs, I was answered after 2 days that they would be able to help me, I provided the information they requested such as transaction ID, names of characters, accs. Because it turned out that for some reason I have a 2nd acc from 10 years ago... This doesn't matter, the problem was that the points instead of going to the account I want, they went to the other one and now in one I have 30-40 I think and in the other 100 I wanted them to be at one or a refund... so far nothing, I've written several emails to the support that you indicated. Please answer me, I'll copy all the correspondence to you... thanks in advance once again.
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 7:26:41 AM
We're currently handling a large volume of support requests which you can read about in our announcement here. If you've already contacted us via email at then you'll need to wait for the appropriate team member to get back to you. We appreciate your patience!
I know you have a lot of work to do on the game and its official release and not only that, but 1 month has passed, it's not serious, and we're paying money for services we can't use....

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