What kind of changes and fixes are you expecting?

What kind of changes and fixes are you expecting from the dev team which cant even fix 2 mismatched records in the items database because of which corresponding items mistakingly use 3d models/icons of each other? (pelt leggings <-> secured legggings).

Last edited by vpalmer#6391 on Feb 27, 2025, 12:52:06 AM
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 7:29:02 AM
What are you talking about ? If you are talking about expert something armor having the same art of normal something armor, that's because we don't have act4-5-6, so we do not know the name and art of the future armor. In order for us to experiment end game which is the part you get after 6 acts, they had to introduce scale for cruel. Hence they just did the same items with different name "advanced, expert" bla bla bla.

Maybe I understood incorrectly.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Last edited by Vendetta#0327 on Feb 27, 2025, 1:19:44 AM
Expecting or hoping for? I'm not expecting much honestly.
It seems that there are intentional crafting changes to encourage paying for more tabs, which is sad. Why do I need to farm 100+ bases instead of having scouring orbs exist? Oh yeah, cause more stash tabs will be required to hold the bases. That's literally it.

Aside from the abysmal slot machine "crafting," I really wish they would implement more defenses. The passive tree is lacking in max resistance increases and %life. There aren't really any defensive layers to utilize. If you don't want to die a bunch and lose your waystones and tablet juicing, you pretty much have to play mom/ci or es stacking wind/ghost dance. The lack of options stifles build diversity and inflates the pricing on decent gear.
Then add in the massive amount of rmt that seems to be going on unimpeded and it's ridiculous ... never in poe1 did I have bots pm'ing me to go to their website and buy divs, but it happens every time I log in to play poe2 and say anything in global.

Ascendancy trials are absolutely awful. I understand this is just my opinion, but ultimatum and sanctum were my least favorite league mechanics and they're the only way to ascend in poe2.

And I don't really know what the problem is aside from defensive layers, but I get extremely frustrated that I can go from blasting through t15s with little issue to all the sudden dead because of ...??? I don't even know. Some random rare with the wrong mods annihilates me. Citadels are one try before they lock and if you have to scour the atlas and do another hundred maps to find another ... poe2 was fun for a bit but it needs a lot of work ... and unfortunately, I'm not very hopeful it will be better any time soon.
I expect game development to be chaotic and for PoE2 to be a work in progress for another year or so.

The game won't feel balanced, every addition of classes/skills/ascendancies will introduce new ways for the game to break, but after enough iterations of testing/patching things will get sorted out.

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