Missing coins

I bought PoE2 on the PS5 about 10 days ago, but up to now my 200 cpins haven't been added to my account. I asked my brother is he has his (he has been playing sonce day 1 of the beta) and he has them.
When can I expect my coins to be added?
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 6:46:43 PM
Hi there, we aren't able to assist with account-related issues over the forums. If you have emailed us at support@grindinggear.com we will look into this matter for you. We are currently working through a very large number of requests, so please bear with us as we'll try to get to you as soon as we can.
You're not getting them. Been waiting on my coins over 2 months. Check the fourm. There's a thread on lots of ps5 users having their money taken but the coins not appearing

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