from nothing diamond and controlled metamorphosis diamond disable attribute nodes

Attribute nodes on the passive skilltree get disabled if they are within the effect zone of a
"passives in radius can be allocated without being connected to your tree"

I got both the from nothing and controlled metamorphosis diamonds today and after putting them in i suddenly didnt have the int for my skills
as it turns out the diamonds remove the effect from every attribute node within their effect radius.

controlled metamorphosis diamond removed 10int:

img link:

from nothing diamond removed 20 int:

img link:

i have spoken multiple other players about this issue and for them it happened as well so its not a issue on my side.

im not sure if the other small nodes are affected but i hope this will get fixed soon because -30int hurts my build a lot.
Last bumped on Feb 26, 2025, 8:13:48 PM
If this is intended then the description on the items is really unclear.

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