Trade2 search missing Reduced rarity of items found

The search criteria on Trade2 is missing "Reduced rarity of items found" (for Ventor's Gamble Gold Ring)
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 4:36:53 AM
You should find it when searching for negative values of "Increased rarity of items found".
Interesting... Hopefully this will be fixed eventually, for players who do not yet know...

What about the duplicates? I can't think of one right now but a few have more than one entry, so I try the first, if it fails I try the second and get results. These are exactly the same entries, not 'implicit' ... IMO they should have at least a (v1/2) on the name so people know there really are 2 of them.
Many items unfortunately have to be searched for in this way.

There are also often duplicate entries (e.g. % increased Attack Speed) for different items, which leads to false results (or rather lack thereof).

I'm surprised that it hasn't been fixed after so much time, but there are probably more important things.

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