How are we feeling about the first poe 2 event?

I feel like this is just a pathetic event. I am all for races but when the race is just targeting cheaters and streamers and only 6 items will be given each of those days. This is just the most disconnected event in respect to the game.

"we want to slow the game down" proceeds to make a speed run event.

Again i am all for races but there needs to be incentives for people to play the event. This is just an event to go watch someone do it.

This needs to not ever be a thing for this game.

Again for anyone about to be triggered by this post i am simply giving my opinion on this. I truly do believe this company is far too disconnected from the player base they are targeting with this game.

This event is strictly for cheaters and streamers or the no life's who play 14 hours a day with no responsibilities.
Last bumped on Feb 26, 2025, 11:22:36 PM
I thought the event is whatever, I think 99.99% of the people will not be participating. They should of made it like the first person gets x, second person xx, third person xxx and then rest of people get some prize for completing it regardless of time. Because now there is no incentive, I will wait until the new patch before I play and maybe watch a stream or something of someone else playing the race if I am not busy that time.
It was what finalized my decision to give up on PoE2.

First, they gave us additional Tower maps. They gave these to us before they fixed major bugs and balance issues. Sure, if they have something they should release it, but the fact they had Towers ready for release shows me they have absolutely no proper priorities behind the scenes. It means someone was working on Towers while they should have been working on something else.

They were so proud of the new Towers, but only a few percentage of the player base was at the point of needing them. It was something that really only benefited those who have been playing the game non-stop, not casual players in the slightest.

Then they released the news about races, and that those who win the race will receive a special, unique item. Again, GGG shows their absolute lack of concern for the casual player, and instead of creating an event where everybody can earn something, they announced this bologna.

This would be a great idea a year or so in, but they haven't released all the classes or the full game or balanced any classes or anything, so it seems like a very poor and rushed decision.

They see the drop-off of players, and this was the best they could come up with to try to get people to play again. It just made me laugh and realize GGG isn't special; They are lazy and greedy just like most other gaming companies out there. They aren't here to build the best game they can, they are here to make the most money they can.

Last edited by meLonCucumis#7606 on Feb 26, 2025, 3:44:35 PM
I think the event is fine.

I won't be participating and it doesn't really affect me, but I'll probably check on who wins. Introducing ultra-rare unique cosmetics as rewards is also something im okay with. PoE1 has similar rare rewards to its races and I think its pretty cool how they add some history to the games community.

There's a lot of outrage out there that i don't understand though, so maybe ive got a minority view.
This is one of those...stats won't be revealed, because it fell on its face.
There's an event? I'm not a streamer or a sweat so I wouldn't know.
I just do not understand the disconnect from what there target audience is. I am all for these ultra rare rewards but only 6 people and strictly 1 from each class?

I do not think they understand what is an exciting event. If you want a race make it something actually challenging and not determined by RNG of what you get for drops or something as dumb as idk a speed run in a game they want to slow down???

This event just feels lazy and for POE2's first event they focused on pushing away the player base just to support no life gamer habits?

Realistically they should make it a time trial and you have to beat the clock to win the rewards that way people can actually participate.

The worst part is these are just going to be sold for RMT by cheaters. If for whatever reason a streamer gets it as one of the 6 then it just further proves my point.

I am just extremely disappointed by their choice to exclude 99% of the player base for what should be their grand entrance to events.

GGG if you see this (highly unlikely as you guys prove time and time again you do not listen to feedback unless they stream your game to 10k plus viewers) please change your ways for events with rewards like this.

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