Main Quest line in HCSSF Second Char to maps Question

My first char has made to maps & died when was in a Teir 3 map, having completed the first T1 & T2 Quests getting rewards for my char progression.

On death & a new char is in maps, my quest line starts where my last char left off when in maps & assume either that is not intended, an internal bug possibly? Is there a method to start the Mapping Quest line over so my second char also is rewarded as well if my progression is more or finishes T15 maps, does it make every other character less powerful that one char doing it is?
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 3:09:48 PM
assume either that is not intended
Intended. All progress, stash, atlas points remain on HCSSF and are available to all characters of the same league.
does it make every other character less powerful that one char doing it is?
I can't figure out how this makes your character weaker? All these quests give is passive atlas points, which also stay in the HCSSF league and are available to the new character.
Last edited by seaman#4993 on Feb 21, 2025, 11:43:05 AM
Alright so if each char doesn't have to repeat the quest line that rewards passive skill points, when the new char doesn't complete the and receive a skill point reward that makes it less powerful than if the char was the only char, unless there is something ya can do to re-apply those end game quest skill points that is not being explained how to do for endgame.
Last edited by Shogun_Logun#9860 on Feb 21, 2025, 11:50:43 AM
It would be nice to split the text into sentences, I'm not a native speaker and don't quite understand what you're trying to say.
You can't use the atlas points on a new character? They're already used and applied to the new character. You can refund them with Doryani if ​​you want to choose other passives.
In a second char or multiple attempts at the same HCSSF game mode who does not get to finish T1-TX Quest line, those Quest rewards are not given when not being able to finish it on a new char.

Is that a bug, since the lack of additional passive points is less powerful of a char in end game and fully rely on leveling skill points.
What additional points? You already have them. Can you make a screenshot of the passive atlas tree?
The passive atlas tree is shared between all characters in the same league.
Sure that when you finish each 10/10 in any set of Teir Maps, for example T1 finish 10 maps. you turn that 10/10 maps done in for 2 passive skill points.
Those skill points are not available for ex. N° of chars that come after the first char to have finished any of the T map quests in that quest line.
My question: Is this a bug, feature unfinished in EA, or does each char after the first have to play w less total power?
Are you kidding?
These T1 quests and others give you atlas passive points, not regular passive points. These points can be used in the atlas passive tree. This atlas passive tree is shared by all characters in the same league, old and new.
Do you even use the atlas passive tree? This:

My mistake had expected those passive skills were skill points, and forgot that was atlas skill points, that makes sense. Just started mapping again, been a while since back to maps was searching for more passive points, guess that is going to be more exp to get them.
Last edited by Shogun_Logun#9860 on Feb 21, 2025, 3:11:50 PM

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