No chance on gods green earth

That this game is fully released this winter. GGG feels like a chicken running around without a head right now. I appreciate the polite apology videos but at some point in time I just want you to keep your mother loving promises.

It has been 3 months with no new classes or weapons and the only class I actually liked is still a sorry excuse for a warrior. So the first class patch is coming in a month (they can't even do 2) and that will be 4 months in to EA. When the polite apology about dev time comes and we're in our 2nd or 3rd year of EA I'm not effing buying it this time. DO WHAT YOU SAID YOU WOULD DO.
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 7:51:29 PM
I agree that they will not release on time. How can they when we have yet to test basically anything yet.
Where all that money going I wonder
Where all that money going I wonder

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