Demon Form Animation Bug

I'm experiencing an extremely reproduce-able animation bug with demon form, that occurs whenever I dodge and use either flameblast or solar orb immediately afterwards (though I suspect any spell would do the same). The wings become locked in place and don't flap until I dodge again.
Only a minor annoyance, but it would be nice to get fixed eventually.

Also as someone in a committed relationship with demon form, I'd love (and pay for) a cosmetic that lets you look like a Demon Harpy. They're kind of similarly shaped already and have one of the coolest models ever made, in my opinion.

And whilst I'm already overstepping my bounds and sharing my darkest desires, maybe make Mastered Darkness provide some kind of buff in addition to capping at 10 stacks? Perhaps changing the life loss to life regeneration? It's sort of okay as it is, but it feels difficult to justify taking a damage penalty for convenience and 2 ascendancy points.

Oh, and it would be fun if triggered spells could also trigger the voice lines linked to certain spells. I'm always tempted to self-cast detonate dead just to hear the witch yell "Boom!" and cackle maniacally.

Thus concludes my current thoughts on the state of things after 200~ hours playing demon form. I think that everyone working on this game is doing a WONDERFUL job and should keep it up! And also I love you, anyone reading this. Please share your Demon Form related thoughts as well.
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 1:59:08 AM

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