Omen of Amelioration Activation Issue

Died while having Omen of Amelioration active and lost 10% experience and it didn't use up the omen. First time this has happened. I'll note I also had an omen of resurgence active and that did trigger correctly prior to death.
Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 5:11:33 PM
JazMac#1562 wrote:
I'll note I also had an omen of resurgence active and that did trigger correctly prior to death.

Non-gear items have a description of how to use them at the bottom of their tooltip, in gray.
This description for omens that activate in combat--which includes Resurgence and Amelioration--states that only one omen can trigger from combat per instance.

Because Omen of Resurgence activated, Omen of Amelioration could not.
Last edited by Jadian#0111 on Feb 20, 2025, 4:22:29 PM
Ah okay, interesting. Good to know. I'd been using them together for a while and I guess I had lucked out in that I never triggered Resurgence within the same instance of combat and then died afterwards.

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