Do our SSF Necro Settler chars auto-migrate to SSF Settler?

In my case, I have a lvl 92 char in HC SSF Necro Settler. Can't play this char anymore. I get the error "League has ended". Thats true, I know.

Only option is to migrate char. In the confirm window I can migrate from "HC SSF Necro Settler" to "HC Necro Settler" (trade... loosing SSF). I don't want to do that. When a normal league ends our chars will get auto moved into SSF standard league (not loosing SSF).

Is GGG merge our "SSF Necro Settler"-chars into the proper "SSF Settler" League?

HC SSF Necro Settler -> HC SSF Settler
SSF Necro Settler -> SSF Settler

Last bumped on Feb 26, 2025, 1:54:38 AM
I have a couple characters in SSF Necro settlers that can't play or migrate now. I am playing on PS5 and the migrations don't show as available at all. If I try to play the character I get abnormal disconnection. The migration was available last week I believe, I didn't think necro settlers was a void event. If it were, I would think the characters would already say void league next to it.
Hi! Could you please contact us at and we'll be able to provide you with some additional information.
I have the same issue as well and I was forced to migrate to trade league but then all my currencies, maps, even town progression are gone!

Could you guys restore back my character to SSF settler? it's unplayable to re-start again!
Ayelen#5344 wrote:
Hi! Could you please contact us at and we'll be able to provide you with some additional information.

I had the same issue and tried emailing support and was told

'I suggest posting your question on our forum, other community members may be able to provide you with more insight about this. It’s possible that one of our developers may answer your post, but we cannot guarantee they will have time available to do so (due to strict upcoming deadlines).'

So it seems like both avenues are a dead end at the moment :(
I am having the same issue with Necro Settlers SSF not migrated. Right now it is in limbo. and it can only migrate to Necro Settlers, which doesn't exist either.

GGG, Please help migrate to Settlers SSF or Standard SSF.
any chance someone can look into this?. emailed support already but seems they can't help.

We all can't play our SSF chars. They stuck in Necro Settler which has ended.

upcoming weekend in NSZ. I see. take your time guys.
Last edited by nowx#1799 on Feb 21, 2025, 9:11:39 AM
I'm having the same issue with My Necro settlers league character not migrating!
I have the same problem, my SSF Necro settlers character is only visible when you select the “all” characters button. when you attempt to log into the character it says league does not exist, which makes sense. When you click on the migrate button it attempts to take you from SSF Necro settlers Into trade league Necro settlers, which does not also exist.

I would very much like to keep my SSF Necro settlers’s character in the SSF settlers league where I can have access to all of the stuff I farmed during the Necro event. I refuse to accept that my SSF character will be forced into merging into a trade league, That makes no sense.
Those who stand should never out number those who kneel.
Me and my buddy having the same issue, hoping this gets fixed

Emailed them last night and no response
Last edited by ringothepug#0643 on Feb 21, 2025, 4:43:25 PM

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