Several Bugs in Acts and Endgame

I finished acts, got my Hideout, so I think everything remained on maps are bugs.

- Both ascension quests given in Cruel difficulty cannot be fulfilled.
- I can free the Jinn, I even can travel to the Trial of the Sekhemas, but it simply doesn't count for the quest. I haven't also the needed quest item, only standard baryas, but I suppose it doesn't matter?
- Same thing about Trialmaster. I can access Temple of Chaos, but no quest fulfillment (and no extra points, but it still expected, I suppose).

- Normal difficulty is fine. First two acts of Cruel is fine too. But 3rd act has several landmarks which never removed: Rootdredge in Sandswept March, Undamaged Core in Aggorat, Ignaduk in the Azak Bog, Bubbling Respite in Apex of Filth (I don't know, if the last one must be crossed out? Anyway, I used mushrooms). Well, and Trialmaster too, but this is part of the error above. I killed Rootdredge three times at least, but no, nothing changed on map.

- Temple of Chaos has quicklink on my map immediately after I enter it the first time. Trial of the Sekhemas never got such link.

- Counterintuitively, Ziggurat Refuge never appears as teleport point in Endgame. And I cannot access maps when I am outside of Ziggurat, until I got Hideout. So when I left Ziggurat for acts, I hadn't any way to return to Endgame, and was puzzled for couple of minutes, until discovered Ziggurat Refuge in the Cruel Act 3.

- Both Realmgate and Reliquary Vault seemingly may be activated with any keystone. "Traverse" button highlighted... and drops you out of machine when you press it. Funny.

- Relic Locker Affinity doesn't work. Locker for Expedition items even doesn't exists, it seems.

- And the last, weird issue, which probably expected for the Endgame: I got about ten Baryas since Act 2. I got dozen or more Ultimatums since Act 3. Then I enter Endgame. Full count of items: 3 Baryas, 3 Ultimatums. For more than 40 conquered maps and some failed maps too (I am on the 31th counted map, i.e. 1/10 "complete 4+ maps", but I made about a dozen of the tier 1 maps to cover "empty" points). Are percents for ultimatums/baryas much lower in Endgame? Or I simply used the wrong maps? Or something?

- Also, probably not a bug, but a Very Annoying Feature: if I use mouse movement, and accidentally click interactive item, my hero goes to it, ignoring enemies. Annoying, sometimes harmful, but at least detectable. But mouse is a bad controller for PoE2, so I used direct control with WASD. And in that case, if I clicked accidentally such item, and it's far enough to prevent interaction, my character (Mercenary) simply stops to shoot, until I realize it and release shoot button to broke the lock. Can it be disabled? Circumvented, at least?!

- Oh, also, I tried "Always attack without moving". Probably does nothing with WASD, but bug is here nevertheless: Crossbow Shot, Explosive Grenade, Ripwire Ballista are fine. High Velocity Rounds, Plasma Blast, Armor Piercing Rounds, Galvanic Shards removed check as soon as I moved to the next skill in the list.

- Another semi-bug is specific to my setup (I have HDD), and makes some encounters almost unbeatable. Unlike PoE which loads everything for about a minute each session after it says it finished loading (but works fine afterwards), PoE2 stutters on the every new map in this session, loads monsters when they already biting out my head, and behaves times worse in a sudden scenery change (Delirium in particular). Is there any remedy for me, aside of purchasing SSD?
Last bumped on Feb 18, 2025, 4:23:58 PM

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