Notification For Late Game Fix - XP Loss?

Is there a way to be specifically notified for septically late game fixes?

I refused to play with the triple death penalty in maps. Refuse.

Haven't played for over a month.

If this is not addressed I likely will not play again.

Map loss, inherent node loss, xp loss.

Dumb design.
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 8:10:20 PM
Agreed that it’s poor design. It encourages extreme risk aversion rather than engaging gameplay. But in short no, there’s no way to be notified regarding a specific mechanical change. I’d say if that’s a deal breaker, check in at the end of early access. If it hasn’t changed by then, safe to say it’s not going to change.
Agreed that it’s poor design.

That depends on what it is designed for. IF it is designed to cause people to want to stop playing the game, it is actually pretty good and effective design.

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