Purchased points, not recovering them

First off, I don’t need to hear the stupid “email our support team, we will (never) get back to you” nonsense. I’ve already done this..

I purchased points with actual money. Now they aren’t showing up on my account.

I’ve done every “trick” to get it to refresh (which I shouldn’t have to do in the first place)

I used the PlayStation app to do so, I have my receipt.

You guys cant even get console performance to a respectable level, and now you’re stealing our money.

You need to fix this now.
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 5:50:27 PM
We're currently handling a large volume of support requests which you can read about in our recent announcement here. If you've already contacted us via email at support@grindinggear.com then you'll need to wait for the appropriate team member to get back to you. We aren't able to assist with this kind of issue via the forums. We appreciate your patience!
You’re so out of touch that you post me a link of a “recent” announcement that was a month ago.

Having the same problem, buy pts in ps store and can’t synchronized in game, it is ridiculous
I just got my money back. I’m not giving this company another cent until they actually decide to do things correctly.
Missing coins as well….. please fix before the sale ends!

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