Attack Speed on Mace - Animation Rate Suggestion

I play Warrior, like everyone else, and I get annoyed at how slow I hit


I now realized that the main problem is not that I can't do 100500 strokes per second like a monk, but how long the first and often only necessary blow is applied.

I think that the annoyance will be reduced by more than half at the same attack speed, if you just change the animation frames - let the blow be applied faster, and the rollback take longer. Like Boneshatter, for example.

This would greatly improve the comfort of working with such skills as Sunder, or the Spike (or whatever its name). I don't even need to hit 10 times, just give me the opportunity not to look for this window of opportunity to swing for a hundred years...

Look at the heavyweight boxers - there are terrible punches, they are very fast, but the fight is not as dynamic as the light heavyweight, because the punches are less frequent... and the speed of the fist is the same...
Last edited by Radonegsky#6656 on Feb 16, 2025, 2:16:46 PM
Last bumped on Feb 18, 2025, 5:24:31 PM
I still insist that the solution deserves attention.
I'm not ready at all to conclude as a whole but I got to agree with OP.

It's about triggers that bring excitement and confidence, the moment before entering Clearfell Encampment, after beating the Broated Miller for the very first time, and through the countless number of challenges.

I feel like the weight of the mace, the speed of the swing, and the sharpness/"thud"ness of the impact are not quite in sync. It's there but not in the pocket.
It might be because I'm no longer on the "drag to paint the ground" feeling, now that I move the character with WASD and time the tempo of slamming, shouting, rushing, rolling and charging.

Cheesyness is a must. We cannot even feel like we are born without that cheesy sound. "Born cheesyness" if that makes sense or "accentuation of the feeling".

Like Hammer of the Gods (Yes, I saw the light), the strained warcry, ancestral boosted effect (the burning ancestor spirit and flames behind the character) or the contrast of Glacial Hammer's sharp blue-grey light track and shiny frisky frozen mobs in their goofy shapes, or Heavy Strike (it's nothing but the heavy strike) and so on.

I can't wait more to come :)
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Feb 19, 2025, 12:13:52 AM
Melee attack speeds...need some love GGG. The game should not revolve on cast speed/Coc.

All real old OG games let players choose from melee or spell casters.
-Time to be funny. The world needs funny right now! Warning: "Might" get you muted.

25 Exalts...oh God my stupidity stuck! Now onto 25 Divines...
If this thread was supposed to be yet another "more numbers" circle jerk, let me know. I can jerk off way more quicker and harder :)
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
I play Warrior, like everyone else, and I get annoyed at how slow I hit


I now realized that the main problem is not that I can't do 100500 strokes per second like a monk, but how long the first and often only necessary blow is applied.

I think that the annoyance will be reduced by more than half at the same attack speed, if you just change the animation frames - let the blow be applied faster, and the rollback take longer. Like Boneshatter, for example.

This would greatly improve the comfort of working with such skills as Sunder, or the Spike (or whatever its name). I don't even need to hit 10 times, just give me the opportunity not to look for this window of opportunity to swing for a hundred years...

Look at the heavyweight boxers - there are terrible punches, they are very fast, but the fight is not as dynamic as the light heavyweight, because the punches are less frequent... and the speed of the fist is the same...

I also play marauder.

boxers do not hit with a two-handed maces that weighs 100 kg, that's why they are so fast.
Joking aside, they definitely take their first swing too slowly.
Last edited by Dukamag#4995 on Feb 18, 2025, 1:55:44 AM
Dukamag#4995 wrote:

boxers do not hit with a two-handed maces that weighs 100 kg, that's why they are so fast.
Joking aside, they definitely take their first swing too slowly.

Well, you can just remember how a nail is hammered with a hammer (taking into account the fact that the hammer should always be "ready").

If this thread was supposed to be yet another "more numbers" circle jerk, let me know. I can jerk off way more quicker and harder :)

In this case, we are talking about the fact that before going to wind up the numbers of the frequency of strikes, you can try to make the warrior's attacks more convenient at the same speed and frequency. I think it's possible.
I think it's possible.

Yup I think so too.

Animation must be "extended" to fill the timeline or to form a set of action.
So that we are thinking it should be shortened somehow. That means "a skill with shorter reuse".

For now, I'm trying not to conclude this argument because we need animators who create the actual product. I want them to create "looking cool" "feel good" animation, not really a "functional" "ok" animation. That means an endless development.

I'm not opposed to have shorter reuse delay. I'm opposed to "success or disaster" process.

It's a PV. No conceptual visualization and lyrics are necessary for this discussion (only the beat that I am talking about).

This is exactly 1.85 APS. 0.92 APS for the intermediate phases. At the heaviest part, 0.46 APS and a lots of in-fills we can enjoy(?).

imo, we don't really need more than that for the heaviest melee fighter.
What we are missing is the 1.85 APS part (we use default attacks :P)
0.92 APS with aftershock or w/e aftereffects would be fine but still, I kind of like to beat 1.85 APS myself.

1.85 APS on stats is doable even in current version so I believe our discussion is on the right direction.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Feb 18, 2025, 8:53:54 PM

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