Tower completed but cannot input precursor tablet

Bug report reference #4,011,690,558

Recently completed Mesa tower after pressing the precursor beam. UI on upper right says "Map completed". However, on the world map ui, it is not letting me input a precursor tablet. Noticed that the tower does not have the fire lit up on the top.

Talked to chat is said "have you tried punching it". Couple of people messaged thinking I didn't know what I was doing. Ah, times.
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 11:45:35 AM
I continued playing. Now it says Map Completed on the atlas, and the tower is lit, but i cannot put precursor tablet any longer.

Btw I also tried relogging earlier but it didnt work.
Last update!!

There is an Alpine Ridge tower beside it that I had completed before the Mesa. I am sure I already put a precursor tablet on that one. But for some reason, it is showing the UI to add the tablet. Adding a tablet to it does nothing. Perhaps these two are related.

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