Bug Report ID: #2030823027 - Character invincible

Hi, this isn't the first time I've experienced this bug, and I never understood why until now. I think the issue comes from the rare monster buff that makes them immune to long-range attacks and the HH. It's "proxial something."

That buff bugged on my character, making it invincible, and now monsters don't notice me anymore; I'm like invisible to them. For example, the buried monster that pops out when you walk next to it doesn't come out of the ground. When I leave the map and come back, that seems to update the state, and everything comes back to normal. Mobs come out of the ground again, and I can finish my map.

I hope my explanation helps

Bug Report ID: #2030823027
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 1:54:12 AM

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