White flashes and black squares in breaches (only)
Breaches have quite often very disturbing visual bugs on my computer.
It is either white flashes around some mobs (usually rare mobs or whatever you call the yellow boss ones) and/or black squares covering a significant portions of my screen. I can't say for sure whether they are related to mobs because (obviously) I can't see anything but considering they follow me around, I would say so. Here is a screenshot from my latest game: ![]() Running on: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT (Adrenaline 24.12.1) 32GB RAM Edition Windows 11 Pro Version 23H2 OS build 22631.4751 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1055.0 [DISPLAY] resolution_width=3840 resolution_height=2160 renderer_type=DirectX12 fullscreen=false maximize_window=false borderless_windowed_fullscreen=true shadow_type=High vsync=Adaptive use_dynamic_particle_culling2=true screenspace_effects=2 screenspace_effects_resolution=0 light_quality=2 texture_filtering=4 upscale=FSR upscale_sharpness=0.116 upscale_quality=Performance upscale_quality_xess=Performance upscale_resolution=UltraQuality reflex_mode=Off hdr=false scene_brightness=1.84 ui_brigthness=1 use_dynamic_resolution=true dynamic_resolution_fps=60 water_detail=1 global_illumination_detail=0 bloom_strength=0.993 time_manipulation_effects=true quality=true screen_shake_v2=true camera_zrotation=true triple_buffering=true texture_quality=TextureQualityHigh framerate_limit=60 framerate_limit_enabled=true background_framerate_limit=5 background_framerate_limit_enabled=true adapter_name=AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT - LG Ultra HD adapter_uid=00000000-00015f05-00 Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 5:07:37 PM