At this point in a trading league, why not shake things up?

We are in an early access period designed to test things out, yet we haven't seen any sort of economic changes that could be tested by the community. I'm not talking about the large balancing changes that require an additional economy reset to implement as they've mentioned (end of March most likely). I'm talking about for all the people still playing the game at this point in the league when the player-base has clearly dwindled and will take an ever bigger hit once the POE1 league drops...why not shake up some drop rates/farming methods and see their effects upon the economy as well as rewards individuals for their loyalty and grind towards the game.

Drop rates on mirrors, divines, audiences with the king, tier 5 loot, etc. when the economy is already so dead, why not see if slightly (keyword SLIGHTLY) increasing drop rates has a positive/negative effect upon things. On top of that, see if changing around the weightings on certain modifiers has a positive/negative affect as well and how the community perceives that. What I mean by that is make things like +5 to all spell skills, +3 projectile skills, the highly sought after modifiers to drop a little more often and see if that's too overpowered or if people now are able to make more alts, etc. Also imagine after having grinded and done maps etc. for months you finally experience that huge mirror/boss drop that is not only an amazing memory for you but gives you the motivation to keep coming back league after league searching for another moment like that.

Blizzard does this as well where they just let the current loyal player-base rot well after most people have moved on, when rewarding us would be so easy and have very little down-side. Don't be like Blizzard GGG, be better. If we're still going hard in an early access beta league after 2+ months when most people have moved on to other games, show us some love. Worst case scenario it causes even worse inflation and you note for future leagues it was a bad idea AND at the end of the day how bad can you really harm an already stale and dead trading economy.
Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 8:08:03 PM

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