Before the start of the event, change the behemoth ascendancy

I really like the whole ascendancy how you can go a rage build, a unarmed build, an armour stacker or just go a tank, but what doesn't make sense is why would you add on the mandatory node "spells are disabled"?
If you want someone to make an armour stacker let us use auras, because of disabling spells we can't use determination which literally gives you 50% more armour... youre also not being able to use grace so you essentially lose 80% more armour together, and don't even forget the flat amount on the auras...
Going this ascendancy you get stats from unique items with a fraction of the power but you lose defensive skills like molten shell for example and auras...
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 4:17:35 PM
I really like the whole ascendancy how you can go a rage build, a unarmed build, an armour stacker or just go a tank, but what doesn't make sense is why would you add on the mandatory node "spells are disabled"?
If you want someone to make an armour stacker let us use auras, because of disabling spells we can't use determination which literally gives you 50% more armour... youre also not being able to use grace so you essentially lose 80% more armour together, and don't even forget the flat amount on the auras...
Going this ascendancy you get stats from unique items with a fraction of the power but you lose defensive skills like molten shell for example and auras...

If you could have deter/grace or arcane cloak it would be too strong the way it is. What sucks the most is no blink skills.

You could technically make a MOM tanky armour stacker and do some wierd stuff as is.

They wouldn't want a majority of people playing bottom left builds. There may be a few very niche obscure builds from antiquarian and behemoth, but i dont suspect there will be many people wanting to deal with it early on especially.

I wish this was like gauntlet and you could have hcssf bounties. I want to see ben 7/7 ubers with behemoth. I think he could do it, but it would be a fun challenge to see. Honestly t17s might be even more of a problem. If you play behemoth you're basically playing 1 foot in ruthless with just leap slam (which is useless on most abilities that are dangerous in the game.)

It is the same as the age old problem. The reason you cant use trauma with swords. Voidforge exists. Trauma + voidforge or paradoxica would be broken. So they just remove the interaction before it exists.

Yet vengeant cascade existed an entire league and got to be broken. They just don't want melee to be like that. When there are melee builds that are really strong they're usually gated by an extremely rare drop item like voidforge/replica alberons.
+1 its dumb to force this no spells thing and I expect this one to be dead last in popularity because of it.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
+1 its dumb to force this no spells thing and I expect this one to be dead last in popularity because of it.

Whats going to be funnier is seeing antiquarians having 3 notables and 2 small points like some pathfinders.

Although i could be wrong and antiquarian may make ward useful. I still think ward is a "sc tank" mechanic though. I still dont think an avoidance defensive layer makes since on a character that starts in the mitigation part of the tree though. So you're stuck going 1her+block.

I don't think behemoth is even worth talking about anymore.

so much potential and all wasted because of 1 mod.

Is BEHEMOTH going to be unplayable? probably not since someone will eventually find a build that works or will play with an aurabot to bypass most of the no spell penalties but that wont change that the no spell mod is a gigantic middle finger to most builds.

one can dream GGG realise this and replace the "no spell" with a less ridiculous penalty.

few mods that come to mind:

*% reduced reservation efficiency
*Allies' Aura Buffs do not affect you, Your Aura Buffs do not affect allies
*Items and Gems have 200% increased int and dex Requirements
self found league fan

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