Bug Report ID: #9249667 - Cannot click on text like portal, waypoints and items

Related to Bug Report ID: #9249667 - Cannot click on text like portal, waypoints and items, even in my inventory

Extra context:

Prior to this I just used the corruption altar in Jiquani's Sanctum. I had picked up an item to use with it so it was working till then.

After dropping an item from my inventory into the corruption altar UI it looked like I got a small single slot item back, despite having put in a larger item.

After clicking on an empty space in my inventory the small item was no longer held by my mouse, but no new item appeared in my inventory. My inventory was reasonably full but still had a full 2 touching empty columns - enough space for any non-quest item I have seen in the game so far.

After closing the corruption altar UI I was unable to reopen it.
I was also unable to use the nearby waypoint.
I could open a town portal using the "Create a Portal to Town" button but clicking on the created portal didn't work.
I was also unable to pick up items from the ground, even when my inventory was open. If there was something invisible filling my inventory I would assume I would still be able to pick an item off the ground to being held by my mouse, but it doesn't work.

I was still able to use the UI that is not part of the map, only the text on the map was unable to be used.

I killed some more monsters and the automatic pickup of gold loot still worked.
Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 3:54:02 AM
After using the "Respawn At Checkpoint" option from the pause menu I was respawned at the checkpoint with the item I put on the corruption altar held by my mouse.

Dropping it, picking it back up and opening other things like the altar, waypoint and portal now worked.
There is an issue in party too when the owner of the map enter the map . Other party members cant click on the portals to enter the map unless the owner go out and let them in .

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