Act 4 beach vile hag unique oneshot


have been playing this game on hc ssf since and I'm around at my 9th character.. highest atm. being lvl 75 (dead), did not play poe 1 much, but played d2 back in the day quite extensively on hc.

So couple days a go I died with this lvl 75. Situation was that I had just leveled up and decided to go check some vendors on other acts.

I accidentally ended up to act 4 beach through the act 3 portal. This left me stuck on the beach. Then I decided I try to get to the camp for wp access.

On the route through the beach I encountered a unique vile hag and well.. was just blasting through. Somehow she instagipped me, in act 4.. I was already running T4 maps and also have full elemental resistances and some good defences.


Then well I thought ok, I try to run fast with a new character and then died to nepuazi at around lvl 43 on act 3.


Well I decided I will transfer to SC SSF and just train maps before next league. Obviously this is really bugged because I havent actuallt played on the SC league, I managed to somehow open maps, relics altar and bench, but I havent been able to unlock regorging bench. Prolly need to play new char until the end of act 3.

Now that I have played a few T1 maps again on the lvl 75 I just concluded that the act 4 vile hag must have bugged somehow. For instance I have had 3 unique monsters on T1 maps them also having chaos damage, I can pretty much just hug those 3 uniquest a while and not do anything and take the damage quite well.

So how is it that this act 4 vile hag unique instagips me with no apparent effect!11?
Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 1:25:19 AM

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