Price Check Complications, Suggestions and Solutions

As many already know, it only takes seconds for PC players and farmers to quickly pricecheck loot that drops in-game. Meanwhile, console players are disenchanted or salvaging most drops that are actually of value. On console, it can take hours out of the game to go through all the drops we think may have value, entering line-item by line-item to try and find what something is worth, which leads to much frustration.

This has caused console players to have much less currency than the average PC player. Because PC players are stacking currency, the cost of great items continues to inflate, leaving console players behind.

One solution could be allowing third-party iOS/android apps the ability to view items in our inventory. World of Warcraft had something like this years and years ago. We could then copy and paste into a website, or even allow the third party app to price check for us.

Another suggestion could be allowing us to view our inventory and stash through the official POE2 website. This would also allow us to quickly price check using a website, or something similar.

If nothing is done soon, we’ll continue seeing console players put the game on pause until a new league or patch is released.

I’m hoping for a thread of other possible solutions. We already know it’s not fair.
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 1:19:55 PM
The fact that you need a PC to operate the trading in this game says it all. Learn what stats and bases are valuable and price check those, i doubt you are getting items worth 1 div or more that often.

If it bothers you so much go ahead and play on PC
Vdub is 100% correct, cheap shot be the responder saying to only play on PC....this is a CROSS all format game and the pricing overlay should be available to all.

Some of us dont have the thousands of dollars you spend to buy and keep your PC up to specs. The comfort of playing on console looking at my 77 OLED is also a factor I admit :)

Just like the filter the Xbox now has we need the overlay for pricing.

Go get em GGG
By the way you are complaining I would take a guess that you want to price check every item you see on the ground, and for that like i said:

Learn what stats and bases are valuable and price check those, i doubt you are getting items worth 1 div or more so often that it makes typing a few words on trading website become such a pain.
Last edited by japanetttt#5459 on Feb 13, 2025, 8:56:20 PM
By the way you are complaining I would take a guess that you want to price check every item you see on the ground, and for that like i said:

Learn what stats and bases are valuable and price check those, i doubt you are getting items worth 1 div or more so often that it makes typing a few words on trading website become such a pain.

I can’t speak for the poster but I’d doubt anyone, I certainly don’t, expects every item on the ground to be priced. The majority of PoE players know how mods work and where value is, new players don’t and I agree will (need to) learn quickly.
What we don’t have on console (due to the ring fenced system) is these addons that PC players do, and whilst (afaik) none of them are GGG made and all of them are PC only… would be nice to have some more ability (once the API is out) to be able to manipulate our chars data such as drag and drop items from inventory to an addon that estimates pricing based on current pricing trends.
I think the reason such addons have existed for years on PoE on PC and their popularity is proof enough of their usefulness, but personally I believe PoE2 should not allow any direct addons and only API data based external ones, which we could all use.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 14, 2025, 12:09:29 AM
By the way you are complaining I would take a guess that you want to price check every item you see on the ground, and for that like i said:

Learn what stats and bases are valuable and price check those, i doubt you are getting items worth 1 div or more so often that it makes typing a few words on trading website become such a pain.

"Let them eat cake"... You are delusional.


You shouldn't spend hours on that. That’s not how it works.

Set up three stash tabs: Boutique (for the most expensive items), "Everything for 10 Exalts", and "Everything for 3 Exalts".

You only need a basic understanding of the game to follow this process:

Could this item be worth more than 10 Exalts?
If the answer is possibly yes, put it in the "Everything for 10 Exalts" tab and wait.
If your PMs get flooded instantly, it’s worth way more than 10 Ex—go check the actual price on a trade site.
If you get one message per hour, it’s probably worth 10 Ex—sell it.
If nobody messages you after a couple of hours, move it to the "Everything for 3 Exalts" tab.
Once a week, clear out the 3 Exalts tab and vendor anything that didn’t sell.

That’s it. No need to waste hours manually pricing every single item.
The reply above suggesting “just play on PC” obviously plays on PC. Regardless, and even if she doesn’t, it’s a dense suggestion given that all we’re asking for is a square playing field so the economy doesn’t place console players behind, which is definitely happening.

I can’t speak for other players, but I definitely don’t pc every item that drops, and actually don’t price check near as often as I should given that it’s a drag on the experience. I use the dump it and see stash method, but you are also going to miss out on a lot of currency and game time with that as well. I totally get it that, “it’s just the way it is.” However, I don’t think it HAS to be. With a some hopeful effort from GGG, the experience can be improved, and I’d say given the amount people are talking about it, it’s quite important.
Totally agree we need price check on console also
We need price checker and auction house

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