My sad thoughts after trying to beat The Arbiter of Ash

After 250 hours of gameplay I decided to try to beat Arbiter. My spark does about 120,000 dps, I've already beaten T3 Xesht and T1 simulacrum (Olroth and the King in the mist, at the moment I don't even think about farming them, they are too rare).
So, I manage to take away all the life from Arbiter, only I'm forced to play that stupid fire circles game.
I spent all six attempts but I didn't succeed:
- the circles appear at random distances,
- because of the zoom and the effects they can't be seen well,
- there's too little time to reach them (despite 35% increased speed on boots),
- with the gamepad if I try to blink it takes me out of the circle.
I can't believe the developers created these bad and unfair oneshot mechanics and thought they were fun. They aren't at all.
I can tolerate Maven's memory game, because even if I die her life won't be full again and I can still beat her, but POE2 bosses regain full health at each attempt.
The worst thing is that, if I want to retry, I have to do countless maps to obtain fragments again, or buy them at "modest price" of about 3,5 divs.

I think POE2 is a beautiful game, but has several mechanics that are evidently against the player, to list some others:
- XP loss on death,
- only one attempt for maps,
- hard to avoid, or even barely unavoidable oneshot mechanics,
- pinnacle bosses and other content in the guise of: either you oneshot them or will be oneshotted,
- old and inefficient trade system.
I'm sure this game will get better, but some "issues" above listed will remain the same, because of GGG "vision".
I hope this vision can be changed, if possible, in favor of the player, not to make the game less hard, but to make the game more fair and respectful.
Last edited by artxev#6334 on Feb 13, 2025, 11:21:58 AM
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 1:28:49 PM
Gotta get your DPS up. I went for him first time last night with similar playtime into the game. I defeated him on the fifth attempt after configuring how I was going to execute my skills. But the difference in assuming is that I did 400k DPS in hideout.

I once died to arbiter with a friend who was trying to carry me with a 2m DPS build and the last thing he said before we ultimately failed was "we have to down him in 4 seconds or we are dead" and that makes sense as it doesn't seem there are many reasonable ways to tank any portion of his attacks which cover enormous portions of the screen.

Worst part was losing 10% exp for each loss though and getting ass cheeks for a drop, while it cost me 6 Divs to run

Done 1st try with 15% ms boots and blink m&k PC easy
Nocnyelf#5011 wrote:

Done 1st try with 15% ms boots and blink m&k PC easy

I read a guide and watched videos of his moveset before facing him. It seems easy, but in reality it is not, unfortunately.
Last edited by artxev#6334 on Feb 13, 2025, 11:34:40 AM
Nocnyelf#5011 wrote:

Done 1st try with 15% ms boots and blink m&k PC easy

do the boots still work? afaik they rely on "overkill" from ice crystals, and in a recent patch they made "inanimate objects" not generate energy. i guess they forgot about overkill, but it's very likely to be "fixed".
Yes overkill ice not nerfed
My last kill took like 10 seconds, but no mechanics.
When he went to his 2nd spot (In the middle) make sure you stun him. It will give you more time to kill him
IGN: DoNotDelete
I'm glad I fought during the boss mechanics and didn't kill them with dps because thanks to that I have full boss experience

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