Rare Monsters one-tap off screen. I'm SICK of this

Level 82. Rare monster flies from off screen, lands on your head and one-taps you without an opportunity to react. Projectile from off screen enemy instakills. This happens so frequently that it's infuriating. If your only solution to this unfair mechanic is "lol, only 2k life?", please don't respond. If playing the game requires a 1,000 Div broken build solution, please don't respond. If you're sick of this nonsense then I want to hear from you.
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 2:08:50 PM
Ya, poorly telegraphed 1 shots suck. And 1 shots in general suck when the consequence is losing the mechanics for a (giant)map.

But 1000 divines to get above 2k life is ridiculous.
My issue with one shots is when everything seems capable of one shotting you it makes the big Boss attacks that are one shots uninteresting.

Big flame circle attack from the arbiter? Who cares, ever get corpse exploded by a random nirmal mob with Crit/haste and 7k life deleted?
2k life is nothing. The game is stat heavy. Ie you need to min/max to progress properly. The exp penalty make's sure of that. You can get good defence that can handle t15 with not too much currency. Just need to buy mid-tier items with decent stats instead of top tier.
Blasphemy + Temporal Chains + Increased Curse Effect + Increased AoE
Everything moves in such slo-mo it's impossible to get hit
If that annoys you, now imagine having 9k hp and getting one tapped. Yes it happens. Alot.... My Sorc has 5k shield, 5k mana, and my mana is considered hp also for my build. hits blow through everything at max ele resists and Chaos immune. That caster minion that drops meteors off screen can one tap me. My favorite are the blue packs of that same enemy.

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