POE 2 rarity is strange

Hi all,

My recent experience with rarity is really bugging me. I am at the endgame (stormweaver) and I recently had enough currency (a bit more than 20 divs) to upgrade my build, so I somewhat optimized my resistances ( so I don't spread out a little in each gear, but have more in each, so have to spend less on resistances on each gear). This allowed me to go for rarity on gear, so I went from only 9% on boots overall before to about 70% rarity (67) on gear, on 3 pieces I upgraded. My approach was to do distilled T15 maps before and now as well and before I was getting like 1-2 divs every day with like 4-5 hours of play. Since I upgraded the rarity on the gear however since I went to ~70% rarity on gear I did not get a single divine orb drop for like 3 days now. I do get more gear and chaos and exalts (somewhat), but not a single divine. I did not change anything on my atlas tree between the upgrades

So I am wondering what is happening? I anyone experiencing something,like this with similar rarity ranges?

I really am curious.

Thanks in advance
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 10:57:21 PM
Your buyer's remorse is a symptom of RNG. IIR% absolutely will ensure that given enough of a sample size, you get better currency drops.

I went from 20%, to 80%, to 120%, to 180% to 285% IIR%, which is where I've capped out on my gemling tempest flurry stacker. I absolutely noticed the benefit over the course of those IIR plateaus.

I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Just sharing my experience on gearing with Rarity %

The profitable drops what i am going to relate here is not just currencies but also loot with good stats that i am able to sell for exalts/divine

Experience sharing When starting endgame waystone maps T15 & T16, i rarely to never do T14 and below

When having :

50+% : so far so good, raw divine drop about 1 in 1-3 day, good loot are mostly body armor and boots

70+% : weird but drop rate for currency and loot feels lesser

100+% : drops feels like its back when gearing with 50+% body armor and boots mainly

150+% : back to feeling its like the same with 70+%, lesser feels for currency and quality loots

Now for below, the feels is abit different than above since mostly farm using Waystones with Quantity and Rarity stats.

Currently farming now 210% rarity on gear, feels much much more better drop then before for currency and quality loot especially with jewel sapphire/emerald (sold quite a number for divines). Also i notice weapons (not wand or scepters) identified with + To Level Skill stat drops are quite ok-ish (+4 to +6)

Please dont take this as fact but ot is more of sharing what i personally experience with certain level of rarity on gears when starting farming endgame waystones.

Personnaly i feel at 70+% and 150+% is where i feel the drops are lesser

I still believe RnG plays a role here but these are what i have experience when gearing with the above rarity on gears

Again, Not a fact but sharing what i have experience with the % rarity on gears

Rarity on gears coupled with Waystone with Quantity, Rarity and Enemy has extra modifier usually gives out the most drop

Good Luck on your runs and farms
same happened to me.

i had 100+ rarity and found nothing for hours.

then i swapped back to my old gear and did a Tier 1 Map for fun and got 4Ex and a Divine.

this happened a few times now to me.

When i had a long break i suddenly find Chaos, Ex and Vaals like crazy for like 2-3 Maps then i can do 10 more Maps with nothing but trash.

rarity is weird if not broken...

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