Zarokh Projectiles Are Buggy (traps too)

Been grinding trials (at least 40+ complete at this point) and died last night to a projectile I swear that I dodged. Noticed that in the final rooms you can sometimes have the portal traps offset in the stage, where it appears the slow projectiles miss the portals completely and just go off the edge. Does anyone know how these projectiles work or why they can mess up like this? Immediately after this I went for the boss kill and was standing in between two of those same projectiles (when he shoots them in a cone in front of himself), the one closest to me passed by without issue but the farther one just killed me without touching me and seemed to lag backwards to another location. It was a vase relic trial but I'm not super broken up about it, just wondering if anyone here has had similar experience with the white orbs not showing their true location on screen.
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 1:52:09 PM

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