PoE2 Commits the Cardinal Sin! (but there is still time for redemption)

PoE2 does many things well and GGG is to be commended.

Where it falls very short, in my opinion, is in one KEY aspect of any RPG.

Legendary/Mythical/Artifactual loot.

Yes there are a few "chase" items but the MAJORITY of "unique" items are utter garbage. Having awesome, rare and valuable loot drop is a HUGE part of the arpg experience and they have missed the mark on it.

The unique/legendary items need to much MUCH more powerful.

Stats on these items should scale with level, with a few exceptions, so that it doesnt feel so bad to have them drop in endgame.

These items should be much MUCH more rare, so that when they drop it is something exciting and notable.

Please GGG, there is still hope and there is still time to remedy this.

Make the legendary loot experience legendary again.


Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 2:20:49 PM
Oh I hear you. Loooong time arpg player here. There has to be balance.

But it what kills arpgs more is irrelevant items and a constant parade to the vendor to sell off garbage.

The items look awesome, the art is great and it all looks really interesting. They just need to tweak the power level and functionability of many of these.
Uniques are meant to be build enabling or quirky.

The best stuff should always be rare, to encourage crafting and modification.

There already is a lot of BiS really special uniques that only drop from certain content. The only downside really is there's that and crap uniques and the rest are going to be coming.
PoE2 does many things well and GGG is to be commended.

Where it falls very short, in my opinion, is in one KEY aspect of any RPG.

Legendary/Mythical/Artifactual loot.

Yes there are a few "chase" items but the MAJORITY of "unique" items are utter garbage. Having awesome, rare and valuable loot drop is a HUGE part of the arpg experience and they have missed the mark on it.

The unique/legendary items need to much MUCH more powerful.

Stats on these items should scale with level, with a few exceptions, so that it doesnt feel so bad to have them drop in endgame.

These items should be much MUCH more rare, so that when they drop it is something exciting and notable.

Please GGG, there is still hope and there is still time to remedy this.

Make the legendary loot experience legendary again.


lmfao "unique/legendary".. Brother they are UNIQUE items, not legendaries. Just because they are colored gold does not mean they are better than a rare, they are UNIQUE.

The word unique means different, and that they are. They cause your character to have unique changes to mechanics you can't find elsewhere more often than not, which you can build around.

They're not suppose to be better than a well rolled rare just because they're gold, that's not the point of their existence. HOWEVER, there are a lot of uniques that just don't have a place at the moment, but we can expect that to change as more skill and support gems, as well as ascendencies, get added to the game.
Uniques are meant to be build enabling or quirky.

This is true, but they should not be so weak that the build is not worth the effort. For example Treefingers (Mitts that give us Giant's Blood) reduce the attack speed and give No Strength to make the build readable, no two-handed bonuses. And all this on the weakest base.

Despite the fact that the Giant's Blood is not some kind of passive for leveluping. This is the foundation of the build.

So why do we need such a unique? Yes, it shouldn't be BiS, but at least it shouldn't make you sick.
Last edited by Radonegsky#6656 on Feb 12, 2025, 1:45:34 PM

lmfao "unique/legendary".. Brother they are UNIQUE items, not legendaries. Just because they are colored gold does not mean they are better than a rare, they are UNIQUE.

The word unique means different, and that they are. They cause your character to have unique changes to mechanics you can't find elsewhere more often than not, which you can build around.

They're not suppose to be better than a well rolled rare just because they're gold, that's not the point of their existence. HOWEVER, there are a lot of uniques that just don't have a place at the moment, but we can expect that to change as more skill and support gems, as well as ascendencies, get added to the game.

And yet HoWA and ingenuity literally mog mirror tier rares in their slot. On top of being extremely common drops from their respective bosses even on +0/1. If we have shit like this it needs to be +4 only and like 5% drop.

And even then its not hard currently to put together a deadeye or stormweaver that instakills +4 xesht, really wish +4 had some damage attenuation for the first 20 seconds of the fight so you actaully have to not be dogshit. Temporalis requires someone to do a not hit sanctum run and risks the relic each time. Theres virtually no risk for pinnacle bossing for most hardcore players since you just kill them near instantly, even my shitty ssf warrior was killing him in under 20 seconds.
Last edited by BossOfThisGym#2062 on Feb 12, 2025, 2:26:49 PM

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