attribute totals mixed up IS NOT VISUAL ONLY

How can u say that is visual only? When i equip my wand it does NOTHING! 4 skill levels are not counting! I dropped my damage from 40k to 3k, It happened in a middle of a map when i level up. Please, take It seriously!
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 12:44:36 PM
i dont know if this is to be compared to your problem, but on my level 24 monk if i put a point in dex i get int if i put a point in int i get str if i put a point in str i get dex, so at this point i dont know how to gear a build that uses dexterity gear. i mean do i need to go strength and intelligence? is this what may be messing your stuff up is that the attributes are reading wrong?
ivamuno#4208 wrote:
How can u say that is visual only? When i equip my wand it does NOTHING! 4 skill levels are not counting! I dropped my damage from 40k to 3k, It happened in a middle of a map when i level up. Please, take It seriously!

Are you sure you didn't accidently weapon swap?

Lasted I checked, it didn't seem like the Controller UI had an easy way to tell which weapon set was active. The display when the Inventory is open always shows the character wielding the first weapon set, even if the second weapon set is active.
im only lvl 24 on the guy im having the problems with on the attributesa i only have 1 weapon and at 24 not the best gear lol
I finally made it work, but it’s not just a visual issue.

I don’t know why, but when I level up, my character gets unequipped. I only had a wand and a shield equipped, so I removed them from the inventory and I added them again, but it didn’t work. Then, I tried unbinding and rebinding an ability for both sets, and that worked. I want to emphasize that this happened automatically when I leveled up.

I’m playing with a controller, and yes, the visual issue is still in there.

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