General feed back of enjoyment of the game

I stopped playing poe2 after having put 400+ hours into the game. I also played poe1 and stopped playing.
I don’t think ggg realize that people will play their game and even more people will play their game if you don’t have silly punishing facts that makes gamers feel like they’re wasting their time.

Grinding for gear isn’t fun like it is in other games- the rng is just too much
Grinding for gear can be fun if there was an algorithm in the game that would make more desirable affix appear on gear based on your passive tree or play style class ascendancy. Ggg developers knows what works best for all builds just make the grind to get the affix’s that better that build drop more frequently.

Exp loss on death is egregious and makes one feels like they just wasted their time. It would be better service to have a reduced in exp gained for a period of time based on how many times you die, for example if you die once you lose a portal and exp gained is reduced by x% for xminutes, if you die again you’ll lose a portal get a random curse and exp gained is reduced by 2x% and 2xminutes. It’s just that motivation to play your game is greatly diminished with exp loss on death.

The way stone/ mapping system is daunting. The lack of consistency isn’t great. The rng of way stone affixes have me deleting most way stones than playing them and the loss of exp make me for sure not want to play some if not many way stones. Affixes. The lack of pathing on the atlas isn’t great either that can be fixed.

One shot mechanics, why exactly? One shot mechanic would be better served in games with multiplayer not completing a set of requirements to evade the one shot failing to do the requirements would have the boss one shot the party. Makes sense. In a, essentially, single player dungeon crawler game having one shot mechanics is not fun. If you do have one shot mechanics to better serve the player, cause you want to the player to win, lol, having one shot protection with a large cooldown time would be more fun.

Attributes and resistance in your game is only for gear or does it actually reduce damage. Having max 75% resistance should yield a more noticeable effect to reducing damage from that resistance type. Having 75% resistance should also greatly reduce ailment threshold it’s lame to build into resistance then build into ailment threshold.

The difficulty of your game is finding gear and manoeuvring the passive skill tree and your skills. The fact that everyone has to build the same build or you can’t do content isn’t fun. Ggg implemented this huge skill tree and skills and supports and all this fluff but you can only do one build that works for each class. Maybe two for each class.

Co op/ multiplayer garbage.

I probably won’t end up playing this game again until some/ many of the trash is removed and the game developers install fun into their game. I just don’t think ggg realizes that people will play their game however even more people will play for a longer period of time, thousands of hours, if it’s fun. Ds3 bg3 ffxiv etc thousands of hours towards game play. Poe 1 and Poe 2 collectively less than 800hrs cause the game isn’t fun.
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 1:42:14 PM

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