Disgraceful Swords looking foe new and old players

Hello! My name is Net. My brother and I are eager to establish a dynamic guild where we can connect with adventurous players from all walks of life. Whether you’re just starting to explore the vast realms of this game or you’re a battle-hardened veteran with countless victories under your belt, you’re welcome here!

We envision a community where we can share strategies, tackle quests together, and foster friendships as we navigate epic challenges. Our goal is to create a supportive environment that encourages growth and collaboration. Let’s band together, embark on thrilling adventures, and create unforgettable experiences as a united guild!

Be Nice (Again. So be double nice)

No NSFW / sexually explicit content or language

Do not spam several channels with the same post. For example, if you a promoting an event, post it on one relevant channel.

If you are one of two users dominating a channel's conversation, please consider moving it to Direct Messages. Thanks!

No Racism, under no circumstances.

No religious talk, the same goes for politics.

To join just hit the link:https://discord.gg/xj375gb8Jr
When you are in the discord, say, “Hello I am (your in game and discord name) and I would like to join the guild” in the new guy channel!
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 11:41:21 PM

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