I can't see or pick up my items

My game just bugged out to where I can't pick up or see the items that dropped. The only I knew the items was there was because of a item filter.
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2025, 1:09:02 PM
I am on PC but playing with PS5 Controller. I have over 200 hours with three characters. On my second character I made, I had an issue where I could not pick up items or they disappeared. Now on my first character, lvl 67 in act three of Cruel, it started happening. No restarting, no loot filter and no setting in game options is helping. This is a game breaking bug, and NEEDS TO BE FIXED! this is ridiculous, even for early access game. A looter where you cant loot. smn
VxODDxV#1739 wrote:
My game just bugged out to where I can't pick up or see the items that dropped. The only I knew the items was there was because of a item filter.

I also have this question.
I am using Xbox.
It's just a problem on the map of another world.
On controller they added a mapping for Toggle Item Visibility on the second control set (LT + DPAD RIGHT).

This is similar to the keyboard control default 'Z' to Toggle item labels on and off.

Make sure that this has not been disabled. You can also select "ALWAYS HIGHLIGHT" in the Interface gameplay options.

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