Eternal Knight damage

Eternal Knights in the Tomb of the Consort - they have a projectile ability that does, I think, way too much damage. I didn't notice this at all while leveling a witch, but on sorceress it is destroying me.

First I thought it was my gear, but I upgraded some slots and I'm still getting wrecked. I tried dodge rolling into melee range thinking they wouldn't fire projectiles if I was close, and that seemed to work on a few of them, but not all, and in melee range they are very hard to see, and therefore dodge. Plus their melee swings nearly take me out in one hit.

Level 50 sorc with 2k ES getting chunked by these guys. All other deaths on this character have been clear skill issues. This damage is way beyond that.

To be clear, I'm not complaining that the game is hard, just that these white mobs are doing boss levels of damage for no reason. Every other monster up to this point and even in this zone does normal damage. These guys are just juiced to the max for no apparent reason.
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2025, 12:06:32 AM
They have a reflect ability - which can be avoided if you get behind them.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
oh dear god I was the one doing boss levels of damage and one shotting myself


Ok well then I guess all my deaths are still skill issues

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