Sekhema Trials is no longer accessible

So i decided to FINALLY attempt getting my last 2 ascencdancy points.
I TP'd to Act 2, put a Lv.76 coin in the gizmo to activate it, THEN started to place my relics..............

Here's where i think the game broke however.......

As id hardly ran any Trials, all of my relics were crap tbh, so i went om a shopping spree & started to trade for 4 or 5 decent relics.

On the FINAL relic to purchase before i was ready to start my attempt, AFTER TP'ing to the owner of the relic i found myself inside the Sekhema Trials room!
The dude, or possibly bot for all i know tbh, was stood right next to the gizmo that starts the Trial. Plus, there was a ton of "Relics" scattered all over the floor!! I found it all a bit bizzarre tbh, but the trade went through fine so i TP'd back to my Hideout & then back to Act 2 Sekhemas Trial.

Where i promptly encountered the same dude/bot with Relics still all over the floor. The trial door was open & it was in fact labelled the "Trial of Time".
In hindsight this was almost certainly MY coin, or a strange coincidence, idk tbh as i only ever have played solo.

Anyways i left & tried to get back to "my" Trial...sigh, but on entering Act 2 again i can no longer interact with the gizmo for Sekhemas Trial, AT ALL!!!

My toon feels broken now tbh & im gutted, sigh.

Ive tried a search for answers but have resorted to here, ive no idea at this point if im just talking to the void :(
Last edited by Gaelic70#5514 on Feb 9, 2025, 5:05:14 PM
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 5:14:00 PM
Im not going to delete my original post as it may help others at some point!!!
Whilst the issue i had was occurring id restarted the game multiple times but the problem remained constant.
After typing the above wall of text however, the game had been off for a good 15 to 30 minutes.

On simply restarting the game after this extended period of time, i can not only interact with the Trials gizmo again, but even my Lv.76 coin remains inside it!!!!!

I think that dude i made the last trade with WAS actually running Sekhemas!!!!

Lmao, im just happy my toon isnt bricked :)

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