Bug with KarmaKoin/Nexon game card redemption... or is GGG stealing? You tell me.

I guess since the team involved in responding to the emails with purchase problems will not respond, I have to try to raise awareness of my issue here. I have be far far too patient with this to receive such an unresponsive result.

I am trying to bring to light the 10 dollars GGG has stolen from me, I will post it here and see if I can get some interdepartmental criticism going.

I purchased 3 cards, and 2 redeemed just fine. I have 200 coins as a balance in my wallet or whatever. However the 3rd didn't redeem correctly. I have verified with nexon that, in fact, the card was fully redeemed for 10 bucks by GGG.

I have been emailing the team in charge of this issue, and they are absolutely unresponsive because I can't quote them a confirmation number... because I never received a confirmation number nor email for the 3rd card redemption.

I live in vietnam, and 30 bucks here is a lot of money, and goddammit it was like pulling f'n teeth to get my wife to agree to spending the money for early access. As it stands, to her, we were scammed. "GGG bunch of fuckin scammers." says my wife... way more often than I would like to hear.

I provided plenty of information, added screenies of the 3 game card pins, screenies of the 2 confirmation emails, a screen shot of the response from nexon support saying GGG fully redeemed the 3rd card... they just don't give a shit. This happened on 12/16/24... my 1st email was sent to them that day.

This is absolutely atrocious customer service... I managed to talk to the game card company and verify that indeed GGG had fully redeemed the card... it took about 12 hours of time to get an answer. They looked into it and said, yep GGG sucks at coding functioning purchasing systems.

Almost 2 months later and nobody at GGG cares. I wonder how many people this is happening to.

Last edited by Hezzix#1243 on Feb 8, 2025, 5:28:05 AM
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2025, 5:53:38 AM
Hey there, if you have already contacted us at support@grindinggear.com, we will respond to you as soon as we can. We are currently working through a large number of support requests, but please rest assured we will get back to you as soon as possible.
It's been 6 weeks, I kind of see this as a canned response. What I hope will happen is this post will catch the eyes of more than just [Removed by Support] of your support team, because man... did he drop the ball on this one.

I patiently waited and waited for a response after the initial email. I waited 2 weeks for a response. Got one asking for additional info. That was Jan. 1st. I thought, ok, it's on their radar. At this point I've waited over a month for a 2nd response.

Large number of requests for help or not, I feel like I have been far too patient, and now I just feel ripped off.

If it's a 2 week wait to sit in queue to get an initial response, ok; but, then it stands to reason that any further info I provided in response would be responded to in a timely manner... like a day or 2. Sure. It doesn't make any sense that I would be moved to the back of the queue again... and even if that were the case... the wait has over doubled the amount of time it took to get that 1st response? Doubtful.

All evidence points to that Leon has refused to contact Nexon/Karma Koin himself to varify something it took a half a day for me to figure out and has dumped this request for help into the IDGAF pile.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Hezzix#1243 on Feb 8, 2025, 5:57:13 AM

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